A Movie Feels Groovy (Part 2)

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Karma's p.o.v.

    I couldnt help but gawk as the world around me changed just by entering the theater. There were so many lights, so much sound, and a lot of good smelling smells. I nearly jumped back in surprise as I felt the ground start to squish under my feet, only to look down and see that it was only the lenolium turning into this funk looking carpet. I had never even seen anything like it before.

    There were triangles, circles, squares, and squiggly lines, all multicolored and sporadically placed on what had to be only a simple burgundy background. "Karma come on! You can make goo goo eyes at the floor later!" teased Ren as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to where the rest our our classmates were forming a messy but single file line. He had us stand next to Gakushuu who quickly glanced over us before nodding to us in greeting. That's when Karasuma finally spoke up, "Listen here, we're in this line to make it easier on the worker being that counter who doesn't need to hear you all screaming their ears off. We're still on a budget so you get one bucket, a candy, and a cup to get your own soda, anything else and it's coming out of your own pocket, got it?" "Yes sir!" We responded in reply. Around us I could hear the other movie goers around us "Aw"ing at us and how cute we were despite being older high school students.

    But I couldn't pay te strangers too much attention for long because the line was moving quickly as everyone speedily decided what they wanted and stepped out of the way. I felt my face flush and myself get a bit woozy when I peered around Maehara and saw all of the options I had to choose from in a short amount of time. "You okay Karma?" Obviously Shuu and Ren noticed, I tried to weakly nod, but quickly decided against it as I croaked out, "No, there's too many choices, and I don't think I could eat that much popcorn on my own," I softly explain, hesitant to step forward as the line quickly moved again. Ren and Gakushuu looked at each other for a moment or two, doing a silent communication thing I've only seen from couples on the street. Were Ren and Shuu a secret couple and too afraid to tell me??

    Before I could think to ask though, the two quickly turned back towards me with matching grins. "Here's what we'll do Karma," started Ren before Gakushuu took over, "Instead of getting three medium buckets we can just get one big bucket for a lesser cost so I'm sure Karasuma-sensei wont be too mad at the change. Then Ren cut in again, "And look there," he paused to point as the concessions box where all of the candy was, "You like strawberries right?" He asked and I slowly nodded my head, I certainly liked the strawberry milk at school. He beamed, "Well those are strawberry clusters! Chocolates with a strawberry filling! I think you'll like those!" he said with a small clap of my shoulders that sent me stumbling up to the counter just as the last person in front of us walked away.

    I squeaked and kept my head down, never one for talking to strangers, luckily for me, Gakusuu and Ren came rising to my sides like the knights in shining armour they were. "Hello Ms! We'd like one large bucket of popcorn, a box of strawberry clusters, a bag of sour worms, and a box of skittles along with three soda cups please," said Gakushuu as he sent the girl a dazzling smile that had her rising to fill out our order. Gakushuu left Ren to hold the popcorn and himself to hold the candies, leaving me to hold the cups as he led our trio to a big red machine with a computer screen full of little circles. There was also a big glowing button with the word "PUSH" on it.

 There was also a big glowing button with the word "PUSH" on it

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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