No use crying over spilled milk

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Karma's p.o.v.
It was lunch time soon enough and... um, well, that's it. It was lunch time and everything proceeded as usual. Once the bell rung everyone stood up and started collecting their lunches from the backpacks. I didn't really have anything on me but a few left over coins from the flower cart, so I decided to go to the vending machine at the bottom of the hill near the main building. I collected my little bit of coins and stood up to leave the classroom when someone called my name "Karma!", I smiled as I recognized the voice; I turned around. "Shuu! Ren! Would either of you mind accompanying me down the hill?" I asked as they nodded "Sure!" They said in unison, i smiled wider "Come on then!" I said dragging them behind me "Hold on Karma!" Laughed Gakushuu to which Ren followed with, "Slow down!".

Once we made it to the bottom I had Gakushuu and Ren lead from there since I technically still didn't know the school. Yet when we got there, I couldn't help but notice Gakushuu and Ren seemed a bit nervous at coming here, I tried to ask them what was wrong, but they always just dodged the question saying "Nothing" or that they "Were fine". This continued on for a while as I decided what I wanted, Gakushuu and Ren were not helping as they described all the flavors and combinations, even the things the other machines nearby had. As this continued I honestly felt things were going good again with Gakushuu and Ren's fears forgotten, however, this only lasted until the bell of the school had rung.

It was a bit hard to hear since the sound came from inside the school, but that didn't make the fear on Ren and Gakushuu's faces any less terrifying. Before I could ask again what the matter was Gakushuu had tossed me over his shoulder and Ren took my coins and hurriedly bought something is couldn't see, it was a pink box though. Once the small box was bought Gakushuu and Ren started to speedwalk their way back up the hill, but we were blocked off, well, as far as I could tell since all I could see was what was behind us and Shuu's butt, it's a nice butt though. "Hay Asano, where ya headed?" A voice called as Gakushuu and Ren froze, Gakushuu sat me down and pushed me behind him as he looked to whomever called him. "What do you want Shinsou? Just let us get back to class" Ren stated as Gakushuu slowly started backing us up, I head Shinsou laugh. "Oh yeah? Why should I let you do that when it's clear that you've forgotten my weekly payment, besides, looks like you 2 faggots (I'm coining the term bundles of sticks) are hiding something from me" I heard him say before he pushed Gakushuu away and stared me down.

I felt myself slowly start to curl into fetal position under his bloodshot stare, gulping loudly even as my mouth went dry. "Huh, you gay boys hiding another freak among ya? Hm, can't blame ya on this one though," Shinsou paused as he pinned me to the wall leaning in to sniff my neck as as caught my chin between his fingers. I couldn't help the whimper and whine I made as he leaned closer, "this one's too sexy", my body feeling like led even though my arms were free, his lips were just barely touching mine. I felt the breath leave out of me as the smirk on Shinsou's face grew, but before he could do anything else, a fist was suddenly flying into his face. I gasp and turn to the perpetrator, only to see Gakushuu standing there breathing heavily, his eyes trained on the groaning body of Shinsou on the ground, Ren stood behind him with wide eyes.

But before either of us could do anything else Gakushuu was already throwing swings at Shinsou's henchmen, who were standing there like idiots now that their leader was down. Gakushuu only got in 3 got hits though before Ren grabbed his waist and started hauling him back; Gakushuu's eyes were flashing everywhere, like a captive animal being pinned into a corner, and while the comparison may seem a bit exaggerated, the emotion I felt as Gakushuu's eyes locked on me, and snarled... I don't even know what to feel. "Gakushuu" a voice stated, and suddenly the world felt like ice, I tried to look to where it was coming from but before I could, Ren was already pushing me to the vending machine, mouthing the words 'hide' to me before dragging Gakushuu back further as the cold feeling grew closer. I quickly run to the vending machine, pushing it a bit to be able to fit behind it, shuddering in disgust at the grime, old gum, and dirt, but i had bigger problems at the moment. I peaked out from behind the vending once I was sure I wouldn't be found, staring in horror as a really tell man with dark purple eyes stared at the scene before him, looking around and taking everything in; it was at this time that I noticed that Gakushuu had froze and was no longer fighting back, only staring up at the man before him in fear.

The man seemed to take a few moment to gather himself before automatically rebooting like a robot would, eyes shut and mouth wide in a face ripping smile "Gakushuu, Ren, would you care to explain what happened here today? He asked in a sickeningly sweet tone. And i believe an entire minute passed before that tone was gone with a loud and flinch worthy neck crack "fine then, we'll must have to talk more in my office then now won't we? Yakuza, Aizawa, bring these boys to the nurse why dont you, I'll handle my son and his friend" he said to which my eyes widened as I tried to step out from behind the machine causing it to creak a little, snapping everyone's attention to it. The man's eyes stared as Ren took this chance to shake his head at me while the man wasn't looking, Gakushuu had a pointed and pleading look in his eyes as he mouthed 'no' to me. Yet I could only freeze and try to hide again as the man started walking towards me, gasping and stepping back in shock as he peered behind the machine at me. "Hello"

Bum bum bum.... what should happen to our sweet boy Karma??? (Edit: Did you know that before this, I had Gakuho crush Karma to death with the drink machine he was hiding behind?? Crazy right????) and thats all I have to say on the matter, comment your thoughts and opinions below on whatever and I'll see you in the next chapter, b-byyyyyeee!!!

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