Flowers are stupid (Not really)

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Karma's p.o.v.
I squeaked and ducked as a bottle flew and crashed above my head. Most likely the drunk druggies who roam the alleyways near the flower shop. Mom called the police on them the first couple of times but they just said as long as they cause no harm they have no jurisdiction to arrest them. "Hey baby! Where you going?" One called to me walking my way, I made a face if disgust and turned to continue walking. Only to have my path blocked, "Pretty girl like you should have some protection, ya?" Another one said as they cornered me. I faked a smile and snorted "I'm surprised you can still use proper grammar" I laughed causing him to grunt in anger. He took a swing at me, but I ducked underneath his punch causing him to hit his friend and knock him to the ground. "Shit! Sorry Hank!" The one in front of me said but was tackled to the ground by 'Hank' and dragged their 3rd friend into their brawl. I decided to use this and make my escape while I still could, hopefully they knock each other unconscious so I don't have to deal with them on the walk home either.
(Time skip: 5 minutes)
I finally made it to the block around the corner to the entrance of my new school, but froze in fear. All I had to do was turn this corner and I could get a clear view of the entrance and walk in like I owned the place. The only problem was that fact that I didn't own the place and was pretty much crowded with fear at the moment. "Aww, look at the new kid~" I heard a voice say, I looked to my right only to have a face really close to mine. I gasp and take a step back and trip, instead of falling I catch my balance. Only for these jerks to push me into a muddy puddle, "H-hey!" I call to them as I pull out my now dirty and soaked text and work books. I stand up just to get pushed to the ground again and have them play catch with my books. I had fallen on my face the second time and now my nose is bleeding, I felt tears well up in my eyes. "Aww, is baby gonna cry~ Go home freak, no one wants you here" The tall raven hissed at me before looking at the ground behind me. I felt my breath hitch as I felt my pants pocket, the blossom was gone. I gasped and tried to run after it, but was grabbed and pinned to the wall by the semi-tall brunette. He smirked and looked towards his friend who was walking towards us, slowly caressing the blossom. He started to chuckle "So 'it' truly is a girl, you really had me confused there, but now that it's over don't think we'll go easy on you just because your some kind of weak bitch" he hissed. "Marco, bring her over here" he said as 'Marco' nodded "Sure thing Derek" he dragged me over and held me in front of him as Derek walked around us like a shark. "You know, I always wondered what girls had with flowers, I mean..." he trailed off putting a petal between his thumb and index finger. I gasped and started to struggle, I couldn't cry out for him to stop since Marco shoved his Kunugigaoka arm band into my mouth (You know the one Gakushuu wears? That one). "Their totally boring" he said as he plucked it and let it hit the ground below. "Stupid" he plucked another. "Ugly" again. "Meaningless" there's only one more left now. Derek had a dark smirk on his face as he got ready to let the last petal fall, it was like he was the villain, one strike away from puncturing the hero's chest with his own sword. And in metaphorical terms it sort of was as Derek stopped and smirked further as he walked towards me. He held the blossom out to me making Marco give a confused face "Der-?" "Marco shut it.... We'll go ahead girly, pick it" he said shoving what used to be the most beautiful thing in the world to me in my face. I felt tears leave my eyes like running rivers as I raised my shaky hand and plucked the last petal. It fell to the ground with all the rest, but that's when I realized what they were floating in, gasoline. Derek let out a villainess cackle as he pulled out his lighter and watched as the petals withered and blew away. I let out a sob, but it was quickly silenced when Derek threw a blow to my face. I was too distracted to dodge it so it hit its mark, followed by another one, and lots more, not just to my face, to my everywhere. By the end I was on the ground, luckily with only a black eye and a busted lip, but that didn't stop them from making me upchuck my breakfast and anything I had eaten yesterday. I was a mess, I was hurt, I was in tears, but Marco and Derek could only laugh as they continued to kick me.
Gakushuu's p.o.v.
I groaned and stretched as Ren and I walked out of school, it wasn't over or anything. There was just a small fire so we were on a break for an hour or 2 while we wait. So Ren and I just decided to walk around for a while and kill some time when I suddenly heard crying. I motioned for Ren to stop and listen until he heard it to, we tracked it down to a nearby alleyway only to see the school bullies Marco and Derek beating someone up. I was pissed, I told these fucks last time if they messed with someone on or near school grounds again they would be done for, yet look at them now. I looked around me for anything I could use to grab their attention, but then grabbed a trash lid and threw it like a Frisbee. It hit Marco's head first but then bounced off of it and hit Derek, they both cried out in pain and turned to see who threw the lid. What they didn't expect was to see me staring them down with a death glare that would even make their ancestors get a shiver down their spine. As soon as they saw me they took off, but Ren was only a few steps behind ready to catch them and drag then back to the principal's office. While they were having their little chase I crouched down to see the damage they'd done this time. I focused on the bruises and injuries like I always do when this happens seeing as their the most important. I heard that if you identify the person first you lose focus of what you're actually trying to do, but it seemed as if my mind had other ideas. My eyes slowly drifted down to the bright red hair and the soft pink lips, and I immediately knew who this was. I gasped and took him into my arms bridal style, this was the flower boy I met in the park, what was he doing here? I shook my head, I had no time to think about that, I started to run towards the school. I had to get him to the nurse, nothing was broken but he had a huge gash on his wrist. I felt rage bubble up even further, I specifically made sure Derek no longer carried blades in his shoes, so what the fucking hell!?! I looked down at his face, hold on Karma, just a little longer.

Ha, that last line reminded me of Our ship has sailed, but yeah Gakushuu and Karma met again, but not under the best circumstances. So as you can see I specifically made sure that Karma doesn't curse due to him being a sweet innocent little cinnamon roll, while Gakushuu is the sweet, kind, and overprotective guy who will be ready to curse someone out if someone even throws a glance Karma's way, hope you all don't mind that. I was going to say something else but I had to leave and do something and forgot. So maybe I'll remember and tell you all in the next chapter, until next time. B-byeeee!!!!

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