Get to know me

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Karma's p.o.v.
It was a little after P.E. with Karasuma when he finally calmed down enough to go back to his stoic behavior, but this just meant that we were all were given the chance to sit down and talk for the rest of his class. At the moment it was just Gakushuu, Ren, Nagisa, Kayano, Nakamura, and I in a small circle doing nothing but looking at each other, until I broke the awkward silence. "H-hey, e-excuse me?" I interrupted their staring competition for them to look at me, they did but it made me blush and look away, not actually believing I would get their attention. Gakushuu smiled at me "Karma, you know there's no need to be so polite, we're all friends here right?" He motioned for the others to answer and they agreed wholeheartedly.

They looked at me and I gave them a small smile back while nodding, they all looked excited at my answer and motioned for me to continue what I was saying earlier "Well, it was a little messy this morning so you all don't know much about me and I don't know anything about you all, so I was wondering if we could play a game to.... Get toknoweachother" I  mumbled the last bit, but Gakushuu leaned in enough to hear.

He explained what i rushed to the others and they all smiled brightly while nodding their heads "Of course! This sounds awesome! Okay, we'll start off simple, everyone just has to state their full name, birthday, and age and eventually we'll think of more things from there, that sounds good?" She asked and everyone confirmed. She nodded "Good, them I'll start off, My full name is Rio Nakamura, my birthday is August 24, and... in the 1st grade I got 100%s on 6th grade tests" She exclaimed woth a bold smile as we stared on in shock "W-wow Nakamura-chan, y-you're really smart!" I exclaim back with a bright smile as Nakamura started to blush "W-Well it isn't th-that amazing! I-I mean, anyone could do it, and don't call me Chan it makes me seem more girly than I already am" She huffed, oh i see, she's a tomboy, got it. (Me)

To confirm that I heard her and understood I gave a solid nod before Ren took his turn speaking, I already knew his was going to be extravagant just from the wide smile he was doing. "Hello peasants, my name is Ren Sakikabara, I'm 15, my birthday does not need to be mentioned,  (There was no actual information on Ren so this is just stuff I'm assuming) and I am the second leader of the 5 Virtuosos!" He stated boldly as Gakushuu blushed and face planted into his hands. "5... V-Virtuosos?" I questioned when Gakushuu finally looked up, I felt a little bad for whispering throughout Nagisa and Kayano's turns, but i wanted to know, this 5... virtues thing sounded fun.

"Virtuosos, I didn't decide on the name one of the other members did, but it basically consists of the top 5 smartest people in the school which Ren and I are apart of" he explained as my eyes widened. "Wait! You're in it too! Now I really want to join! W-where d-do I sign up!" I quietly exclaimed, but mentally face palming as i almost made it though a sentence without stuttering; Gakushuu's eyes widened too "No!" He yelled scaring the others and getting the attention of some of our other classmates while he was at it. I looked at little shocked myself, maybe a bit confused too "Wh.. Why n-not? I-I'm sure that if I just go and talk to the leader-" he interuppted me "N-no! Karma it's nothing like that, i-its-" I cut him off this time "Wh-what? D-do you n-not think I'm s-smart enough?" I ask quietly while looking at the ground, I mean, it would only make sense.

This is the first time I've ever been in a school since 2nd grade, I really don't have the education the others do, and we haven't really done any actual teaching since I got here. When I looked back up at Gakushuu I've never seen anyone's eyes get so big, he practically screeched the first "No!" That came out of his mouth.
Gakushuu's p.o.v.
"No, Karma, no! You're the smartest, brightest person I know and never forget that! I-I just meant that... there's only 5 spots in the Virtuosos and you're going to have to work really hard to get in with them... and I don't want you overwhelming yourself" i rushed out of my head on spot. I think that had to be the fastest time I had to think of a lie and administer it out,  jeez, I never want to do that again, my head hurts. I looked at Katma who nodded and sniffles while rubbing his eyes with both his balled fists, like a child after a nightmare, I had to hold back a nosebleed because it was too adorable. "I understand, and I thank you for your concern, but don't think that is going to stop me from joining you and Ren in the top 5!" He exclaimed triumphantly, I gave him an encouraging smile before realizing what he said in my head, oh no.

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