Meeting the class

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Karma's p.o.v.
We were back where we started, at the doors of the little brown building. I really didn't want to go in, I could ready feel my shyness and anxiety building up, Gakushuu and Ren must of have seen this because Gakushuu gave me an encouraging smile and Ren gave a pat on my back.

I gave a smile back to both of them and gulped down the lump in my throat and nodded. We continued inside the building as I stared at everything else besides the hallway in from of us until we got to a paper screen door. I'm guessing the teacher saw us due to our shadows because the second I hid behind Gakushuu the screen door slid open and 2 sets of tentacles pulled Ren and Gakushuu in.

My eyes widened and I gasped as I didn't even hear Gakushuu and Ren scream, but I did hear a voice talking to them, I continued to hide behind the door. I slowly made my way down, sinking to the floor and hiding my head in my knees knowing I would be the next thing the tentacles grab, why couldn't I have just stayed home?
Gakushuu's p.o.v.
Ren and I could only gasp as Korosensei pulled us into the room and started scolding us for our tardiness.

Even the rest of the class was shocked at this since Ren and I are always on time or even early. "Sorry sensei, Gakushuu and I were showing a new student around the main part of the mountain since we had already met them at the main campus" Ren explained as I nodded. Korosensei's face immediately went from purple with an "X" to his normal yellow "Oh gosh, I'm soo happy my students are helping others ou-" he cut himself off.

His face went mid yellow "Wait, you showed a new student around the mountain?" He asked as Ren and I nodded, Korosensei turned to Karasuma who was there standing next to Bitch-sensei. (this time it was Gakushuu who gave her that name) "Karasuma? Did the government send any new students?" He asked as Karasuma only shook his head "None that I'm aware of, they would have told me if they were going to, even Gakuho would have informed if there was going to be a transferhe explained before he, Korosensei, Bitch-sensei, and the rest of the class looked to Ren and I.

"Well if there is a "new student" that you guys are talking about, where is he?" Bitch-sensei asked "Well he's right he-" I cut myself off when I saw he wasn't behind me. "What? He was just right here!?" Ren panicked while I walked to the screen door and looked outside, there was Karma right on the ground beside the door. I looked at him with a comforting expression "You know. It's pretty hard to meet everyone when you're sitting on the floor like that" I said as he looked up at me.

Karma's p.o.v.
I look up at Gakushuu and bite my lip, he's so sweet. He helped me up and brushed the dirt off of my clothes, when he was done I stood in front of him with my hands behind my back, locked together. "U-um, how do I look?" I shyly ask as Gakushuu looked me up and down; I was currently wearing a black shawl with a hoodie over a gray T-shirt and was wearing some black skinny jeans.

On my face was red framed glasses that covered a bit of my freckles (>-< yes, I know, Karma doesn't have freckles, but imagine how cute he would be if he did, besides my story and my OOC Karma, means I can change how he looks)
I was pretty sure I was blushing as red as my hair and my constant shifting from one foot to another wasn't really helping my situation, along with Gakushuu's silence.

Finally, it seemed as if he had broken free from his trance and nodded with a blush on his face "Yeah, you look fine, amazing even!" He encouraged as I blushed darker "Really?" I asked shyly and he nodded again "Yeah" he concluded. I smiled and followed him in, but put my hood over my head when he wasn't looking, I was still a bit embarrassed.

"Guys, I would like you all to meet Karma Akabane, he's a new student that shall be joining E-class" Gakushuu said while motioning to me like I was a priceless trophy. I knew they could only see my mouth and nose so I gave the a smile and waved at them "U-um, hi?" I said timidly as they all stared at me.

It was nothing but silence for a minute, causing me to look down as my blush deepened, I already messed up didn't I? Suddenly I felt multiple appendages wrap around me and lift me up in the air while hugging me "Welcome to E-class Karma-kun!!" I heard a voice tell in my ear.

I turn around once they set me down and stare at the giant octopus before me, "Nice to meet you sensei" I say calmly as I extend my hand for him to shake. I could feel everyone staring at me in shock, even the octopus in front of me, I felt my blush come back as I look around, did I do something wrong? Gakushuu looked at me oddly.

"You're not shocked or scared of him?" He asked me as I shook my head, I shook my head with a smirk "He's obviously from earth, a government experiment gone wrong perhaps? I know their not going to let you stay here in the open so this has to be a test of some sorts for the students here, but not all of them or else you would be in the main building.

The government chose this class because you wouldn't actually be cared about in the school while also confirming this with the principal since it's obvious you're on his property, but back to the matter of why you're here.

Your here to help teach my classmates and I how to kill you, why? I don't know, yet I can't find that fact out yet, but I can tell it goes against the purpose the government wants you dead, something about destroying earth if we're being coy here. These two are from the government and are here to help in the training while also keeping the appearances of normal junior high teachers though they clearly stand out.

You're here because the government couldn't kill you themselves with all of the training they've already had and can't possibly take killing you into their schedules, so they assigned simple junior high students to learn of your techniques and style so we can personally kill you ourselves without wasting a person of value in this assassination. Yet you couldn't possibly expect us to do this without any hint of interest so you decided to bribe us with a large some of money, not too much or too little so I'm guessing I'm here to aid in your attempts to finish you off and if successful I'll get a large some of money in the range of ¥10 billion, am I correct?" I ask as they all stare at me in shock.

I blush again and notice that I had taken my hoodie off during some point in my evaluation, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw a dark haired, buff, and serious looking man staring down at me "Karma Akabane?" He addressed me, I did the same to him "Sir?", He smiled "Welcome to the assassination classroom"

Woo! Karma's a little analytical and smart cookie. Tell me if you guys like the pic of Karma with freckles or if you like the idea of him with freckles anyway, it's just an idea I wanted to use, we don't have to if you guys don't want. Anyway, don't forget to comment your thoughts and opinions down below, I'll see you all in the next chapter, b-byeeee!!!

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