Rollerblade Renegade

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(Hello all! I know its been a long and painful hiatus but here I am to inform all of you lovely people that I am going to try and come back! There were a lot of questions and requests and I'm not sure if I got them all, so feel free to yell at me and hate me and all that nonsense! I'll love you none the less. Now I'm not too sure how often ill update nowadays due to school and life and the like, but I promise ill be trying my best! Although... would you all mind doing me a favor? I know I have no right to ask after leaving you all for such a time, but would you mind showing some support to another account I'm running? Its called TheRebelMoth and its where ill be doing some non-fandom based writing if you'd like that sort of thing. I know it isn't much now but that may change depending on you guys or whoever you may recommend to my page! Anyway! Thank you all so much for sticking with me for this long and may the story continue! Love you!)

Karma's p.o.v.
          I was practically smushed between Ren and Gakushuu as they tried to keep me from shivering, the air conditioning of the restaurant not helping with our wet hair and clothing. "God, Karma, I hope you don't get sick" Gakushuu said as Ren squeaked and started to feel my forehead, I noticed our other classmates watching me too. I flushed and squirmed away from all the attention, "G-guys I'm fine, p-promise!" I say, unconsciously pulling the towel and blankets closer around me. The girls cooed in concern while the boys looked on, silently worried, but before anyone could do anything Korosensei had me up and in his arms, holding me like a baby. "Ah! Karma-Kun! My poor student! Do you need anything!? Do we need to stop the trip!? What!?" He fussed as I winced from his volume. "It's fine Sensei! Besides, we're already almost done with the list, no point in turning back now!" I say as I silently cheer when we pull up to the roller rink. My eyes light up as I practically launch myself out of Korosensei's arms and over to the window, staring and gawking in awe at the bright lights of the place. 

       "Woah! Knoasiwa?! How'd you guys even afford to get us all here, this place is always packed!!" Maehara called from beside me as the rest of the class voiced similar thoughts. "Nurfurfur! Don't worry students, Sensei had his means of getting things, all that's important for you to know is that you all are going to have fun!!" Korosensei cheered as we all got off the bus and into the semi-empty building, no one was here except for a few workers. "You rented out the building!?" Everyone in the class yelled but me, I was still in shock at the place. "As the octopus said, don't worry about it, just go have fun, we still have a schedule to keep," Karasuma said, motioning for us to go as I was dragged to get my skates.

"Ren, Isogai, Maehara and I will get all of our skates, we just need to know what size shoe everyone wears" Gakushuu explained as everyone started to call out their shoe sizes. I bit my lip before looking inside the tongue of my shoe, damn, the letters and numbers were smudged and faded from me using them for so long. I didn't know my size anymore, it wasn't as if I could buy myself new shoes anyway, I pout and slowly move away from the class, hoping they'd just forget about me and go have their fun. Unfortunately, with a class full of such nice and caring kids, my wishes were bound to fail, Maehara noticed me as I nearly tripped over Okuda's bag. "Oh, hey Karma! Don't think we forgot about you, we still need your shoe size!" He called as I flushed, everyone had turned to look at me, wondering what my shoe size was for some reason unknown. 

        I just hung my head and wrung my hands behind my back while gnawing my lip, "I don't know" I mumbled, just loud enough for them to hear since the girls awwed and the boys hmmed. I nearly jumped at the hand on my back, I looked up to see a blonde girl with pink eyes behind me, she smiled brightly. "It's okay to not know your size, little dude, we have measure just for that purpose, nothing to be embarrassed about, people don't know all the time, I certainly didn't even know my shirt size when I first started working here, wore a too-big shirt for weeks, but was too stubborn to ask for a change" she kept talking as she leads me to a bench and pulled out a scale. 

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