Guidance from a friend

791 34 25

Gakushuu's p.o.v.
I couldn't help but look back and forth from the backroom ​to the front door. I was concerned, also confused, but mainly concerned about what was happening in this shop when I wasn't here. Which is probably all of the time since I did only start coming here today, but still, I still have a right to be worried.

I wonder if Karma meant to say all of the things he did, well I mean, I guess he did since he said it, but did he only say it because he thought I would hurt him and his mom. Plus, what did Ms. Akabane mean when she said she'll do anything as long as I didn't hurt Karma? Did someone threaten Karma before? Did they hurt him? Did she offer up the same line then too? I had so many questions, but I knew I wouldn't get answers to any of them unless I got them from the source.

Which I pretty much knew was impossible at this point and probably forever since Karma and Ms. Akabane seemed pretty keen on leaving when they saw I wasn't going to take anything they said. But why did they leave like that? I know it was probably embarrassing, or maybe they were ashamed they had to ask me all of that? Those things all concern me, but what gets me the most was the fear In Karma's eyes and the determination in his mother's when she said she'll do anything, just to protect him.

I remember when I was younger my mother used to say the exact same thing, that she'd protect me from the monsters under my bed and in my closet, that she'd help with all of my real world problems when they came, that she'd always show me love.

My father ended up buying everything or storing it away in his closet for later even though he says he's gotten rid of it, but I know he happens to go to the shrine of mom's stuff and cry to it on their anniversaries. My mom, she was total opposite, she still loved my dad with all of her heart and had kept all of his stuff where it was left, all untouched. My father while he's cold and analytical, my mom was warm and caring, so with this situation I think it's pretty clear on who I should go to.

I pull out my phone and go to my contacts looking for the one and only Ren Sakakibara, the only one who I can go to and talk about these things since he reminded me of my mom. It took a few seconds, but Ren eventually picked up on the last call.

Hey, Ren here, talk to me.

Hey Ren, can you.. uh? Can you come pick me up, I need you to talk to you about something.

Uh, yeah, sure, where are you at the moment?

I'm on 234 rosebud lane?

Oh cool, I'm actually passing by there now, come outside and wave to me so I can see you!

Right, on it, see you in a few.
I hand up and take one more glance toward the backroom before going to the door. I opened it and listened to the bell ring above me and feeling the cold wind of a winter night blow pass me. "Ms. Akabane! I'm on my way out!" I call out to her only to be met with silence, I hope their okay back there.

I, I really shouldn't be too involved in their personal lives, but I can't help but want to help the one I love and his parents if their in a bad spot. My father has toms of money that he keeps wanting me to take along side all of the money I had saved up and collected, if they need money I'm willing to help.

I sigh and run my fingers through my hair before shaking my head and walking fully out of the shop and hearing the door shut behind me. I won't get involved unless asked or forced to dramatic or pushed to that state, my thoughts were cut as Ren pulled up in his red BMW. I climbed in and buckle up my seatbelt while expecting Ren to start driving, but we just sat there. I turned to face Ren and ask him what's wrong, only to be met with a face splitting grin and the wiggle if his eyebrows "Saw you walk out of the flower shop, is that where your little boyfriend works lover boy~?" He asked with a tease.

I forced a scowl to fake my annoyance, but what secretly glad that Ren was helping me calm down a bit to not be so tense when I talked to him about this.... Topic. "Yeah, him and his mom, this actually what I wanted to talk about" I said as the conversation suddenly got serious, even Ren had his focused moments, this was one of them. "Okay, tell me everything that happened and I'll give my input" he said as we pulled to a stop at the light, and I did, without leaving out a single blink or sigh of a breath.

By the end Ren's eyes were the size of dinner plates and it looked like he was thinking deep about this one, which hopefully meant he'll give me some good answers. "Well from the information you gave that you said he said it sounds like him and his mom are being threatened by someone or maybe a group" he said further confirming my thoughts. "I know, but what do I do? I like him and when I went to help his mom today she was the sweetest person that I could ever meet and having her threatened as well literally hurts my heart.

Ren I've never felt like this before and... And I'm scared" I said looking him in the eyes as we pulled over, he looked right back at me "Then it's true" he said vaguely. "What's true?" I ask "You truly love him" "yeah, no shit Ren, I literally just said that" I snapped a bit annoyed "No stupid, I mean that you truly love him, if it hurts you this bad even if you haven't even seen him hurt then you know that this isn't some fling and that you want to be with him, the best information I can give you right now is to get close to him and wait for him to come to you, oh and also let me see him, getting a glimpse of him after being beat up isn't much of a introduction" he joked as I laughed.

Ren wasn't the strongest, brightest, or good looking in a formal sense, but he was definitely loyal, trustworthy, and an all together best friend and I couldn't ask for anyone greater.

Ren is so sweet even though he's a little stupid!! There's gonna be a lot of tsundere-fluff in the next few chapters, but that doesn't disclose the fact that people are always lurking. Remember this, pls. Anyway! Comment down below your thoughts and opinions! I gtg B-byeeee!!!!


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