Pool Pun Fun

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Gakushuu's p.o.v.
After what happened at the mall, we were all pretty much watching Karma like hawks. He didn't take any notice, too busy thanking Itona for taking him shopping and getting him such nice clothes, promising to pay him back. Itona just blushed and shook his head "No, it's fine Karma, I'm just happy that I found you before anyone else did" he said without thinking, making the air on the bus tense as the rest of our hearts clenched in guilt.

Everyone could sense it "Guys! It's fine, i-i actually enjoyed it" Karma said as we all stared in shock, "Really!?" We all cried as he confidently nodded. "Y-yeah! I mean, it was scary at first, but the attack wasn't as bad as I used to think they'd be! In fact! I think I'm getting better at handling them!" He said with so much excitement, that we couldn't help but follow along with his mood.

"Well that's good! I don't think we could ever handle you being mad at us Karma!" Kayano beamed as Karma nodded his head frantically "I could never be mad at you guys... Well, at least not for long anyway" he said before his attention was caught by the paper in Karasuma-Sensei's hands. "Where are we going next Sensei?" Karma asked leaning over his shoulder as the rest of us looked up to see what would happen.

Normally, though he would never admit it, Karmasuma didn't really enjoy us getting into his personal space besides the times we're training, so seeing Karma get so close was like watching a star fall; I even think I saw Karasuma-Sensei's lips twitch into a small smile for a second. "Well, from what you guys put here, we're going to the pool.. maybe we can even get in some underwater training" he smirked as we all started to loudly protest.

He waited until the bus was quiet enough to snort loudly "it was a joke, this whole day had been part of your class work anyway, so I hope you've been taking notes, who knows what that octopus is planning back at the school, you all may have a surprise test tomorrow" he said in a testing voice as we all sweat dropped and started pulling out pencils and papers, we hadn't even considered that possibility.

Before any of us could get even more than a paragraph down though, the bus came to a stop on front of the biggest water park I've ever seen. The best part though? It was completely empty! "Woah! An entire water park to ourselves!? How do you guys afford this!? The doe must be flowing in" Maehara said with a smirk as we all groaned, he cackled, already stripping off his shirt.

Karasuma sighed "Honestly? Don't even ask me, the octopus did it, we don't even know how, but rest assured were looking into it, for now though, just go get changed, I'll meet you by the entrance, 5 minutes" he says before walking away as we all race towards the changing room.

Once inside, the rest of he boys didn't hesitate to quickly throw off their clothes to reveal their swimtrunks underneath, and run back outside into the sun. Ren and I actually took our time getting ourselves ready, I snorted, those will get sunburnt in the first 10 minutes, while Ren, Karma, and I will still have our clear smooth skin. Speaking.... Thinking of, I pause, looking up and around "Hey Ren?" I call as he pauses in the middle of putting sunscreen on his legs, "hm?" "Where's Karma?" I ask as he freezes as well.

The quiet buzzing of the lights in the changing room was cut off by a strange sound, one that sounded like air entering plastic. Ren and I looked at each other in contemplation before slowly tiptoeing over to the sound, pausing at Ren pulled out a pool noodle from his bag. We nodded to each other, and on the count of three we jumped out from behind the wall the hid the culprit from us, to our suprise but obviously being the correct answer, it was Karma in a full body swimsuit, blowing up pool floaties. He had just finished his last one and was putting it on when he finally noticed us, his face instantly brightened from the concentrative state it was in a few moments ago.

Ren and I raised an eyebrow at him "Um, Karma, what are you wearing?" I finally got the courage to ask, now it was his turn to look at us like we were strange "They're pool floaties silly, for the pool" he stated as Ren pouted his lips, thinking of a way for him to see the point. "Yeah, we see that K, but are you going to be able to swim with those?" He asked as Karma nodded frantically, but before he could answer with words, the door to the changing room opened, it was Maehara, he was soaking wet. "Come on guys, why are you all hiding from us in here? And here I thought we got along just swimmingly" he said with a devious look, Ren and I groaned while Kara giggled.

Maehara beamed "Ha! At least Karma thinks I'm funny!" He said as we all walked out to the pool, Maehara challenging Ren and I to a race as we left Karma to be cooed at by the girls for his cute floaties.
The rest of the time went pretty smoothly, everyone was having fun and we even had half an hour left. "Hey Karma!" I heard someone call to our resident red head, I turned around to look for him, only to see him floating by Bitch-Sensei, who was on a floaty of her own. He looked up as well to see that Maehara and the others had set up a volleyball net and were inviting him to play. He flushed deeply, and I don't think it was from the sun, yet he still hesitantly nodded "Okay, I don't think I'll be very good though" he said swimming over.

"Well I think you'll do great!" Kanzaki beams while Maehara cheered "Shell yeah!" making Karma laugh while everyone else groaned. I watched them play for a while before going back to my own races with Ren, unfortunately I had to look back as I heard yelling, it was Terasaka. "This isn't fair, we actually have to swim to catch the ball while you have a guy that can float, take the floaty off!" He yelled as Karma flushed again, "M-maybe I just shouldn't play, I can't really take the floaty off since I can't swim without it, I-I don't know how" he stuttered (I'mma just cut to the point) Everyone raised a brow, "Really?" Asked Isogai, saying what everyone was thinking.

Karma just blushed deeper, "Y-yeah, like I said earlier, I-ive never been to any of these places since I've never had the time or money, the only time I've ever been in w-water is during rain, showers, and baths, so I've never learned" he stated, but I felt he was holding back, our recent assassin's training helping me see that his eyes moved to the right. I kept silent though as I saw the girls start to coo again, even Bitch-Sensei joining in this time "We'll teach you!" They cried as Karma flushed, but they insisted.

The rest of us boys smiled at they're attempts and cuteness, including Karma's pout of concentration. Finally, in only ten minutes, Karma had mastered the doggy paddle, it was a small step, but at least he could float away at least to 5 feet on his own. It was in our concentrative watching that we ha.dnt noticed Terasaka get up and out of the pool, a little ticked the game was over, but deciding to have his own fun, one of which included a cannon ball. One that unfortunately was right next to Karma, ultimately dunking him under the water as we all cried out in shock. We waited in silence, but after 5 minutes only Terasaka came back up, I furrowed my brows, taking a deep breath, about to dive in, only for Karma to quickly resurface. We all let out another cry out of shock and rush over this time, still keeping distance though as to not overwhelm him. We watched in silence as he took 3 deep breaths and brushed his soaked hair from his eyes, only break put into the biggest smile of the day as his eyes landed on Terasaka. "That was awesome!! Can you teach me how to do one please!?" He said as all of our jaws dropped, Terasaka just smiled "You're on!"

Gakushuu's p.o.v.
By the time it was time to go, everyone was having fun and laughing, especially Karma who had now learned to do cannon balls and was having contests with the others while practicing his swimming.

We all groaned in disappointment when we had to go, but knew we had to keep on schedule. Maehara sighed in enjoyed as he stretched while we were getting on the bus. "Honestly guys, that had to be the best activity yet" he said as Karma started bouncing in his seat "Ooh! Ooh! I wanna make a pun this time!" Karma stated as we all looked at him encouragingly "W-well.. Maehara-Kun said this was the best activity yet, but I guess that just deep-ends on how you look at it!" He said as everyone took a moment to process the joke, before breaking into laughter. Maehara gawked "What!? His puns were better than mine!?" He cried as Karma slid over with a smirk "Don't worry Maehara I'll help you with your puns, after all we mermaid for each other!" He said as Maehara loudly snorted, "You learn fast young one!", Karma just beamed.

The puns are real with this one! Anyway I hope you enjoyed our special boy because next time is where our little ginger shows some prowess!! Until next chapter, b-byyee!!

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