Introduction to seduction

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Karma's p.o.v.
I felt like everything was going well so far. Everyone seemed to like me, even though the girls wouldn't let me go near any of the boys. I questioned it myself and watched as Gakushuu watched me sadly as Nakamura was telling him and Ren off for trying to sneak over and see me. I pouted and gave him a small smile and wave which he happily returned even though it only made Nakamura angrier that he wasn't listening to her. I decided to see why I couldn't talk to any of the boys by going to the nicest one so far, well, the one that wouldn't stutter when talking to me, Kanzaki. I walked over to her and Immediately saw her look my way once I caught her eye, this only made me persistent to ask her and get some answers, yet this persistence didn't effect my shyness. I was practically a blushing and stuttering mess when I finally made it to her causing her and the rest of the girls she was talking with to aw stare. "U-um, Kanzaki-chan... I-i was wondering why I couldn't talk to or be near the guys i-in the classroom.... I-if you don't mind m-me asking?" I say to her as her lips pout a bit at my shy nature.

She brushed it off though and turned to me, eyes full of kindness "Well, Karma-kun, it's because us girls think you're way too innocent to be hanging out with mean old perverted boys like them" she said loud enough that I saw some of the boys to practically faint when she called them mean and old. "B-but can I at least talk to Shuu, h-he hasn't done anything mean or perverted since I met him, a-and he doesn't look too old" I try to reason, if I could be near any boy I just want it to be Gakushuu, he made me feel safe and happy. Kayano looked shocked "Wait, Shuu? As in Gakushuu Asano? You really know that cocky over zealous prick, I thought you just met him on the way up here!?" She said, sounding like she was in total awe at this fact. I felt myself blush, but I nodded, the girls seemed to look me over before eyeing Gakushuu who was still watching me from where he stood in the group of boys. The girls looked between us a few more times before going into a little huddle that was filled with whispering, shushing, and giggling, it truly concerned me a bit. When the huddle finally was broken they all looked at me with smirks "Okay you can talk to Gakushuu, and he'll be your body guard from all of the creepy boys" Hinata smiled as she motioned Gakushuu over and explained this to him. As I was watching them converse though, out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Nakamura had run off somewhere out of the classroom and probably off to do something ​mischievous from what I was told she was like.

I broke from my thoughts when I saw Gakushuu walking over to me "So.. what happened?" I asked eager to know what they told him from how long they were talking. Gakushuu sweatdropped while rubbing the back of his neck "Well they told me that I was your personal body guard until they see fit the boys are okay, that I had to protect you and your innocent mind, and finally, that if I don't do any of these things I would pay the consequences and suffer" he explained, all I could do was say "Oh"
Suddenly a bell rang around us, scaring me and making me jump into Gakushuu's arms, we pulled apart once we heard the girls aww at us, I was a little disappointed. As we were walking down the hall though I saw Gakushuu's face get worse and worse with every step "What's wrong?" I ask, but he just shakes his head with a smile "I'm gonna die" was his response. I didn't know if he was joking or not so I kept asking questions "Why?" "Because this is the worst class to be innocent in, this lady is the perviest woman I have ever seen" he explained, but I didn't get was he meant until we got to her door.

In the room sitting on her desk while sucking a lollipop was a woman, supposedly our teacher that I met earlier today. When she saw us I was hiding behind Gakushuu so she didn't see me, she sighed annoyed "You're late brat, you got a pass?" She asked as he shook his head no "The bell hasn't rang yet and I was just giving Karma a brief description of class" he said as he looked to his right to face me. When he saw I wasn't there he panicked  u til he looked behind him and sighed in relief "You know, you're going to have to get used to people seeing you if you're gonna come here every day" he said with a kind smile before taking my hand and leading me into the classroom.

The woman's eyes brightened once she saw me "Huh, Karma Akabane, right? I'm Irina Jelavić, I'm your seduction teacher" she said while eyeing me over, I raised a brow. "Seduction teacher?" "Yes, I teach you how to seduce your fellow assassins and targets into doing what you want or just having them play into the palm of your hand" she said said before looking around the room before her eyes landed on Nagisa, the person that everyone was shocked to know that I knew was a boy. "Shiota, come up here and let me demonstrate one of the lessons I teach" she demanded as Nagisa sweatdropped, but did as told to not get into trouble. I at least thought she would have gave him a warning or paused to instruct me or give pointers, but no, she went all out and practically smothered the boy with her kiss as I could see hits being taken to make him into puddy. Everyone watched in either shock, jealousy, or boredom of the kiss while Gakushuu and I looked surprised; the kiss lasted about 5 minutes before she let him go and Nagisa slid to the floor, sweating and drool dripping from his mouth as he tried to breath. I decided to take up the name Gakushuu called her earlier since the name she told me was too hard to pronounce; Bitch-sensei smirked as she admired her work on the ground "1000 hits, my best work, now Akabane, let's see you practice on...." She said as she looked around, some looked a bit scared while others were all so eager, Okajima. Finally her eyes came to rest on Gakushuu with her smirk widening "Let's have you do it since you're already up here" she said as Gakushuu sweatdropped and tried to shake his head, but I stepped up to him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Please Shuu, I need the practice if I want to pass" I said in my best seductive voice that I would use for... Clients, when mom and I couldn't get money in on time. Gakushuu's face immediately lit up a dark red and if you looked hard enough you could see steam coming out of his ears as he nodded. I smiled and brought his face closer to mine as I saw the hesitation in his eyes before closing the gap; it started off sweet. "Come on Akabane, you got to put more effort into it" Bitch-sensei called as I broke the kiss and nodded, Gakushuu didn't get another second to breath as I grabbed the back of his neck and slammed his lips to mine.

I pushed his back into a wall.
550 hits

I pushed my tongue into his mouth.
750 hits

I pulled on his hair.
1340 hits

I dragged my hands down his chest.

I grinded my hips.
7780 hits

I moaned into his mouth.
10000 hits

I pulled myself away from Gakushuu, a string of drool connecting our mouths as I realized the position we were in. I had Gakushuu pinned to the wall, one of my hand blocking him in while my other was in his hair, and I had my knee between his legs while I was still conscious. Gakushuu though, had one of his hands on my back while the other was firmly grasping my ass, his thighs were gripping my leg as if I was the only thing keeping him up right and the boy was unconscious, like coma unconscious. I gasped and back up while holding my hands up in surrender as Gakushuu face planted into the floor. I turned around to see my classmates looking at me in shock, most of the had their phones put and we're recording and taking pictures, this was mainly Nakamura and a boy who's name I learned was Itona. I heard clapping and this snapped us all out of our stupors as we turned to Bitch-sensei as she gave the slow villain sarcasm clap. She smirked at me once she stopped "Well that was a sure introduction to seduction"

So... Yeah. Gakushuu won't be in the chat for a while as we all try to wake him up.

Karma: I'm sorry!!

Me: No no it's fine. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this and don't forget to comment your thoughts and opinions down below, I'll see you all in the next chapter, b-byeeee!!!

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