Can we start over?

705 31 21

(Monday morning, 7:00am)
Gakushuu's p.o.v.
I ended up spending the night at Ren's place. My father wouldn't mind, heck, he probably wouldn't even care with how much of an ass he is. I woke up early in the morning as I usually do and had a mild case of confusion when I saw when I wasn't in my bed or even my own house.

It took a minute or two, but I eventually realized that I was in Ren's house and in one of his guest bedrooms; which I really don't remember walking myself into. I yawned to myself and rolled out of the bed with as much grace as a chicken without it's head, I really didn't care this morning. I due my normal routine of showering, getting my clothes, and fixing my hair before going to knock on Ren's bedroom door.

I only had to knock once before he practically flung open the door, compared to the normal beauty obsessed Ren you see at school, I, uh.... I don't even know what to call this one. This Ren's hair was all over the place I meant it, some was even standing in the air like it had it's own sense of gravity.

He was shaking like he was stuck in Antarctica for an hour straight without anything on and his eyes and expression looked so sleep deprived that you would think he never took a wink of sleep in his whole life.

"Oh my God, Ren are you okay? What happened? Did something happen last night? Do I need to call the hospital?" I rambled before realizing that it would do no good. "Yup, nothing much, nope, and no way!" He replied back to all of my questions with a smile, I looked him over again "If nothing happened last night then why do you look the way you do now!?" I yell, more concerned than angry. His smile only widened before he ran into his room and rushed back out with what I can only assume was his laptop.

Without even looking at it I immediately shielded my eyes having a feeling of what was on the screen, and if I was correct I really really didn't want to see it. "Ren we've done and been over this a thousand times, showing pictures of good heterosexual porn is no better than showing me pics of bad gay porn; and it certainly won't make me straight again so why even try!?" I yell a little mad since I thought we ended this a long time ago. It was silent for a minute as I heard Ren probably face palming before I felt a harsh and sharp tug at my ear.

I whipped my head to face Ren "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FO-!" I nearly went off until I saw the screen of the computer, it was of the Kunugigaoka database, or at least the log in screen. My eyes widened as they paced from the computer to Ren then back to the computer a few times "Ren, were you up trying to log into the database all night?" I ask suspiciously of his behavior even though it was clearly obvious. To confirm my suspicion he nodded "Why?" I ask and his face looked like it was going to split in two with how big his smile was now.

"Well you know how? Yesterday you told me he was now going to our school?" He asked dragging this out, I was a bit agitated that I wasn't getting a straight answer.

"Ren just tell me" I sighed, he pouted "Noooo, that just takes away all of the fun, please!?" he whined loudly; now I know why his parents kicked him out so early. "Ren..." I threatened, he just pouted harder and turned away from me "Okay fine, it totally wasn't like I had spent an entire 24 hours missing my beauty rest just to help out my best friend or anything" he says in a mocking sarcastic tone.

I sighed and face palmed while dragging my hand down my face, it might just be better to go along with him than arguing. "Fine Ren, yes, I did tell you he was now going to our school" I said as he smiled giddily "and you know how all school databases have every single piece of information about the students in the school?" He asked as my eyes widened to the size of dinner plates "Ren you're not thinking about...?" I trailed off.

Hacking into the database is like sneaking into my father's office, both very bad and highly stupid ideas that can get you killed... Or more like disappear. "Ren do you have any idea what hacking the database will do to you?" I ask in a frantic hushed voice, like I was afraid that my father was watching, which he could be.

Ren only proceeded to nod "Of course, and that's why I'm doing it, Gakushuu you barely know the guy and I doubt he'll tell you information anytime soon so this will be the faster way to get it, even if I have to suffer the consequences" he explained as I felt my heart start to hurt.

See, this is what I'm talking about, Ren is the kindest person I've met even though he's not too smart and that makes me wish that his heart will decide to work with his brain one day. I huff, shake my head, and cross my arms "And what makes you think I'll actually read all of that information, wasn't it you last night who said to wait for him to come to me?" I asked as he thought back. "Well, yes, but the me last night was talking about stuff for girls, this is a guy we're talking about" he said like it was the most obvious answer in the world.

"And how is it different for guys than it is for girls?" I asked a little ticked that he was saying my Karma wa- wait. Did I say my? I- I meant to say that-! I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice Ren still talking "Well.. okay I'm not really sure, but trust me I saw this on the internet" he explained.

I was just about to protest the world wide knowledge that everything on the internet wasn't true when my wrist watch started beeping, I looked down and saw that it was 7:50.

"Shit! Ren we only have 10 minutes and your still not nearly prepared!!!" I yelled as he gave his usual cool guy smirk "all I need is 2" was all he said before disappearing back into his room and true to his word 2 minutes later we're had all our stuff and were out the door and down the street, speeding to school.

8:00 was the time the school gates closed, so as long as we're on the premises before then we're good. It was about 7:58 when I saw the school gates and 7:59 when I saw Karma bolt around the corner and into the school yard before pausing to catch his breath.

Ren had already made it in, but I was still counting down the seconds since Ren had longer legs than me, I did make it in by 8:00 though, just... Not in the way I wanted. By the time 7:59 switched to 8:00 on my wrist watch I saw the gates start to mechanically start to close on their own and had to leap for it.

I made it in just as the gates clipped my shoes, my face, however, ended up headbutting Karma's ass as he was still bent over trying to catch his breath. We both tumbled for a minute before he landed face first in my chest, it reminded me of the time in the park; except, instead of the scared look I received that time, I was met with an awkward one.

I gasped and stood up while Ren helped Karma up, I opened my mouth to apologise and for a minute I thought I was doing good until I realized I was just saying and making random words and noises while both Karma and Ren gave me confused faces.

I stopped talking, or trying to talk, and held my hands out for them to both pause while I breathed, I then turned to Karma with nervous eyes before squeaking out "Can we start over?"

Aww, Shuu's so awkward now!!

Gakushuu: Hey! Shut up! You try landing face first on someone's ass and making things not awkward! Especially after what happened yesterday!

Karma: *blushing*

Me: *shrugs* true. Anyway, comment your thoughts and opinions down below, I'll see you all in the next chapter b-byeeee!!!

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