Running with the wolves

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Karma's p.o.v.
It was still a little awkward after  Bitch-sensei's class. The girls were staring at me with deep blushes and the boys kept asking me to teach them how to do the kiss I did. I had no idea how to respond to it because I had no clue myself, it was like I completely blanked out once my lips were set on top of Gakushuu's. I'd say the worst thing was the fact that Gakushuu had to be taken to the infirmary because of his high body temperature... And the fact that he had been a knocked unconscious enough that it seemed like he was in a coma like state. This knowledge that was brought to the class's attention didn't help me or my situation at all because it made me blush harder, feel much guiltier for doing that, and it only pushed the boys to question me further.

"Okay okay, I think Karma's heard enough questions from you dicktwitches so I'll just be talking him" Nakamura said as she came over and grabbed my wrist before dragging me away from the pile of guys. When they saw her taking me away they all started to yell and protest, but the glare she sent them shut them all up real quick. I sighed in relief before turning to Nakamura "Thanks for getting me out of there" I said, but she just smirked at me. "Ah, ah, ah, don't think you're getting out of this so easily" she said as she continued dragging me into a pile of girls who all giggle before going quiet when I came over. Once I was in the center of their little circle I felt like I was being surrounded by sharks, I felt my anxiety start to build up, but I didn't noticed that my breathing quickly became irregular. Okuda was the one who caught on the fastest; she ran over and held me and whispered sweet nothings into my ear as I calmed and slowed my breathing. When she was sure that I was in the clear she pulled back and held my face in between her hands "Are you okay?" She asked as I felt my cheeks start to burn "Y-yeah, thank y-you for noticing and n-not being too weirded out t-to help me" I stammered only to be met with a bright smile.

I smiled back because I've never seen Okuda smile this brightly in the few hours I've been here "It's okay, and besides, anxiety isn't something to be ashamed of or embarrassed about and any time you need some help just come to one of us girls, they're the ones who helped me with mine anyway" Okuda explained. Kayano's eyes widened, "That was an anxiety attack!? Oh my gosh, Karma we're so sorry we didn't notice!" She said as they all nodded with sad eyes, I blushed again, not used to all of this attention. "It's no problem, really, besides it's not as if I told any you" I said as they a smiled and nodded back at me before they all took me into their arms and sat me at a desk where they could surround me. "Good, now that you're okay, we'll get back to the main topic, what that kiss with Gakushuu really meant" Nakamura smirked as I blushed a Scarlett red "Wh-what do you mean Nakamura-Chan?" I said as I tried to get away, she scrunched up her nose "Eh, you're so polite, yup, you're definitely Gakushuu's type" she said as they had me cornered.

Hearing her say this interested me "Wh-what's his type?" I asked, cursing myself as I stuttered "Oh you know, small, smart, feminine, curvy, cute, and...." She listed as she trailed off, her eyes lowered on my figure and before I could question it I felt a squeeze to my ass making my yelp and rush away from them while shielding my tush. "Plump asses" she finished with a confident smirk while I weakly glared at her as the bell suddenly rang in my ears, throwing me off. I looked at Nakamura, but she just waved me off and grabbed my wrist before leading me outside and joining the others as we all stand around Karasuma-sensei. "Today you all will be going against me in hand to hand combat, that's right, not all assassins will have weapons, just their bare fists and when you're in a fight like that, you have to be prepared to fight on the same level; everyone line up" Karasuma-sensei ordered as everyone did as told. It really wasn't as orderly or coordinated as I think Karasuma-sensei would have hoped for, seeing the exasperated look on his face.

Everyone eventually fell into place though after a minute or two after Karasuma-sensei sent us a fierce glare, but that wasn't what my mind was focused on though. What I was really focused on was the one and only Gakushuu Asano standing on a hill, staring down at us. "Gakushuu!" I yelled as I met him halfway, I wasted no time pulling him into a hug as he wasted no time in returning it, this drew attention to us as everyone ran over to see if he was okay. I wasn't very comfortable around a lot of people, but I also didn't want to leave Gakushuu's side, Karasuma-sensei was the one who saw this. "Okay class, come on, back in line!! Mr. Asano, you're in luck, since you just returned from the infirmary you get to sit out of today's lesson, but that doesn't disclose you from tomorrow, got it?" He asked. Gakushuu just nodded before sending a smile my way and going to sit down on the steps of the hill, wow, he actually... Smiled at me even after what I did to him. I couldn't help but offer a smile back before Nagisa reminded me to get in line; Nagisa and I were pretty much at the end for some reason.

I had the feeling it was because everyone wanted to give a handicap while Nagisa just didn't want to go against Karasuma-sensei first, not that I was protesting. Everyone else was sitting with Gakushuu on the stairs by this point due to the fact that they had all went against Karasuma-sensei and lost so they were pretty much done with this. The only ones left after Maehara and Isogai tried to tag team was Nagisa and I, I sent a worried look to Nagisa as he looked a but panicked before relaxing his face. I watched as he waited until Karasuma-sensei put his full attention on Maehara before he decided to attack; I swear I'm not crazy. I promise you that I'm not, but you may say that I am if I ever tell you what I saw that moment. It was like Nagisa had turned into a snake, a fully blown viper as he snuck up on Karasuma-sensei before striking, Karasuma-sensei looked absolutely paralyzed as he froze.

At that moment I thought that we had him, but unfortunately he managed to grab Nagisa's arm before he could get a hit on him and had not only flipped him over his shoulder, but he knocked him into Maehara and Isogai too. It took a minute of concern and confusion before we could actually figure out what was happening, but then I came to the quick realization that there was no point in leaving 1 student left out of the exercise so I would be going next. I timidly stepped up to face Karasuma-sensei as he gave me a blank stare, a challenge to sense my fear, just like he did with everyone else; and I bet I was soaked with it. Karasuma-sensei believed in fair treatment so there was no easy way out for acting like a girl this time and this being the way I grew up, I was terrified. When Nagisa went up against him he at least had more body weight to help balance out his skills and he had knowledge most assassins would kill to know. The people here were smart, fast, skilled, courageous... All total naturally born assassins, while me... I have nothing. "Come on Karma!" I heard someone cheer for me, out of the corner of my eye I saw him, it was Gakushuu.

That little prick was giving a smirk that I could see all the way here, his cheer didn't just motivate me, but it motivate others to start cheering for me as well. I wanted to curl up and disappear from all of the attention I was getting, but their encouragement gave me hope I stared down Karasuma-sensei as he smirked back at me. I took in the fact that he had already analyzed my body shape and style as to figure out a specific pattern in my step, I used this to my advantage. With my body type he probably thought I was try to confuse him before going for the kill, but what he wouldn't expect is for me to be on the defensive. I ran at Karasuma-sensei at full speed and made a move for a jump when I actually slid in between his legs and hooked my leg on his ankle, bring him down to ground level with me. I quickly got back to my feet and ran in a zig zag pattern that I knew he would see and take position to strike, but what he wouldn't expect was for me to throw my knife and get it back once I get around him. I did as so and my plan worked as I lunged for a slash across his throat.

Gakushuu's p.o.v.
I watched with great excitement and interest at the fight going on before me. Karma was dodging all of Karasuma's attacks and even confusing him with his own, I for sure thought Karma was going to win. Then that's when it happened, a flash of darkness and there was a big black wolf with red streaks running down it's fur, lunging for Karasuma's neck. We all screamed in anguish at such a sight, but before any of us could speak up, Karasuma knocked the wolf back and there was suddenly light again and on the ground was Karma holding his side. I've never seen Karasuma look so scared, he was staring at Karma like he was just a child and Karma had just killed his entire family, paralyzed in shock and fear that no one could explain to him. We all quickly scrambled to them, asking and shouting questions we all knew wouldn't get answers, truth be told I just cared about their injuries.
Karma's p.o.v.
I gently smiled to Gakushuu and all of the others as they helped Karasuma-sensei and I, truth be told I couldn't remember anything after jumping at Karasuma-sensei, all I could think about during that time was how I would race the wolves to the highest cliff on the mountain. I was literally running with the wolves.

LONG CHAPTER YEAH!!How did you guys like it, I may have it go just like the anime when they are at school, but their home lives and what they do outside of school will be my own personal touch, what do you guys think, lolol. Nevermind that though, I hope you all enjoyed this and don't forget to comment your thoughts and opinions down below, I'll see you all in the next chapter, B-baka!!!

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