Shop till you drop

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(Xp Guys I'm Soo sorry, I totally forgot about this book. Just give me some time, spring break should be soon and I can work on it more!! So prepare for veeery slow updates, sorry! Love u!)
Karma's p.o.v.
The arcade was really fun, even after what happened with Nakamura and Maehara. There was so much to do there, all the lights, and sounds; it was a little overwhelming at first, but once I got used to it all it was amazing. Plus!! A huge plus in fact!!! Nakamura, Maehara, and I got the highest score on that dancing game!! They say it was because I unlocked a secret dance move combo, but truthfully I just tripped over my own feet and stumbled for a bit, but keep it on the hush or else I won't get he ice cream they promised me as a thanks.

I think I was even more hyper now than when we got on the bus the first time, Gakushuu and Ren only following my skip like steps and smiling. "Where are we going next!? Is t gonna be as cool as the arcade!?" I say as everyone else laughs at my excitement, Ren nods while closing his eyes and leaning back on the seat "Yeah, hopefully so, the mall is where a lot of things could happen, you know?" He said with a smirk. I paused, did he expect me to answer? Or was this one of those rhetorical questions? Not wanting to be rude and seem like I'm ignoring him, I answer anyway "No, I don't know, what things could happen at the mall? What do you do?" I ask as a single drop of sweat drops off the side of his head while Gakushuu snorts making me turn my attention to him once e starts speaking.

"Well Karma, I'm not sure what Ren was referring to when he said "things could happen", but you should know that malls are places you could buy things, like clothes, food, and any other thing you could think of really" he states as I slowly nod but pause "Can't you just get these things at a regular store?" I ask as he smiles sheepishly and rubs he back of his neck "I mean yeah, but think of a mall as one big store full of little stores where you can shop at them all" he explains as I giggle causing both Ren and Gakushuu to raise an eyebrow at me. "You said shop at them all, like the-mall!" I said before bursting back into giggles, they both pause before realization suddenly floods their faces and they're laughing with me. Before I knew it, my little joke had spread to the rest of the bus as well and everyone was laughing at it as we arrived at our destination.

Yet as we got off the bus, I couldn't help but curl into myself a bit this place bigger than the arcade, a bit brighter, but certainly all the more louder. I gripped Gakushuu and Ren's hands harder as I suddenly felt sick "Karma?" I heard someone ask, I look up to see everyone staring at me making me by some color back into my pale face. "I-I'm fine, just a bit nervous, i..l I don't normally deal with crowds all at once" I say so quietly, it's barely a whisper near the end. Karasuma walks towards me "Would it better if we all went in groups?" He asked, his eyes softening at my jerky nod, I did like his suggestion, but now I just felt like a baby. "Okay then, everyone, we're going in groups of 3, so i should have at least 10 groups return back to this spot by 12:30, understood?" He said as we all nodded and went in different directions.

It was only 3 minutes into our walk in one direction that I noticed Nakamura, Kanzaki, and Kataoka following us, all wearing evil smirks. I turned to tell Gakushuu and Ren of my discovery, but before I could, a hand covered my mouth while others started to pull me back. Luckily before I could get too far, Gakushuu turned to ask me something and noticed that I'd disappeared. He grabbed Ren's hand and ran over to me, where I was still being dragged as these girl were either incredibly strong or I was really weak (it was the latter), and started to pull me back towards them. "Hey, where do you think your going with Karma?" Ren asked as Nakamura smiled innocently "Well he can't always go dress like a schoolboy can he? We're going to get him some clothes" she stated truthfully, Gakushuu just raised an eyebrow "And if we don't want to go?" He asked before Nakamura went over and whispered something in his ear. His eyes lit up "Okay Karma! Let's go get you some clothes!!" He said excitedly while the girls squealed together, leaving Ren and I the only ones left confused about this.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Time Skip)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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