A Movie Feels Groovy (Part 1)

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Ren's p.o.v

I smiled as I watched Karma lean against Gakushuu, talking in hushed tones as to not disturb the peaceful atmosphere that taken over the bus. After all that had happened today, it was cute to see them both get a bit of downtime, especially after all that we'd learned about Karma. I never once thought that someone's life could be so sheltered and unfortunate and I'm pretty sure most of us had already taken the vow to change that. I was pulled from my thoughts at Karma's quiet giggles and Gakushuu's amused chuckles. Glancing around, I could see that most of the others, if not already engaged in their own conversation, were looking at the two just as I was. Yep, there was no doubt about it. They were the cutest couple anyone could have the chance to lay their eyes on. But it also hurt. Seeing those two together, it made me think of my own relationship. Or really, lack thereof. Would I meet someone as sweet and bubbly as Karma? Someone who would turn me into a giggling mess like Gakushuu? What did my future hold for me?

Feeling tears start to appear in my eyes, I quickly pushed them back and masked the lump in my throat by pulling out a water bottle from my bag. I practically downed the whole thing in three large gulps, crushing the bottle when i noticed Karma glancing at me. Not really sure how my face looked and being too self-conscious at the moment to pull out my mirror and check, I just offered him what I hoped was a reassuring smile. Either it worked or it really didn't because the next thing I knew was both Karma and Gakushuu waving me over.

Karma's p.o.v.

I watched as Ren's face frowned and flushed when he glanced over to me and Gakushuu. Normally I wouldn't have thought anything of it and would have written it off to just being because of whatever was on his mind at the moment. However, I knew that face. The face of sadness and loneliness that mom sometimes gets when she looks at old photos of her and my dad before I came along. The face I knew she undoubtedly saw when I was younger and would just stare out at the kids playing baseball in the next lot over, but never daring to leave the shop, in fear of leaving her alone. It made me frown as well. Not only for the fact that I couldn't tell what was making Ren frown like that but for the reason Ren was making that face at all. So I did the next best thing and motioned him over. He had just finished downing his water bottle and had crushed it in between his large hands. His face only got darker as his eyes widened. He looked hesitant for a moment or two before sliding down the seats towards Gakushuu and I. Gakushuu smiled at him while I beamed, Ren's face looking like the inside of a watermelon now. "Yeah?" he questioned as I took his large and strong hands into my small and dainty ones.

I shook my hand at him before responding. "No. You just looked like you needed somebody at the moment. And I just... I figure that we could be that somebody. Somebodies. People," I stammered. I didn't think Ren's face could get any more red but it did, now turning a slightly purplish color. Gakushuu chuckled and pushed the bang of Ren's hair behind his ear as Ren started looking like he was gonna faint. Before he could do so though, the bus came to a stop and Karasuma stood with a stretch, glancing around the bus before pausing on us with an amused smirk.

"Okay lovebirds, party's over. Hurry up and decide on what movie we're watching while the other teachers and I go wait in line," He barked before he read the march out and off of the bus. The others giggled and laughed as Gakushuu, Ren, and I flushed, but I was happy. Standing in between the two as we made our way off of the bus, I started to swing our arms in sync. The girls cooed while the boys watched on with content smiles, their eyes never fully leaving even as we discussed our options for the movie.

"We can go see a comedy? I heard there's this really good one that came out recently! Some guy even pissed his pants watching it!" exclaimed Fuwa with excitement, jumping in place. A few others nodded alongside her, discussing the movie's name and others like it. Yet before we could all agree, Sugino quickly jumped in.

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