I won't tell...

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Karma's p.o.v.
I tried to walk a bit behind Ren and Gakushuu to avoid too much attention bring drawn on me, but they weren't having it. They wanted me to either walk in front of them or beside them to make sure that they would be able to see me at all times, what am  I their children? I don't need anyone in loco parentis except my mom. (I'm sorry, I wanted include that so bad XD) Of course, this didn't matter to these two, in 5 minutes we were at the top of the hill and in front of a small brown building.

Ren and Asano gave me a little tour around the area , even showing me little parts of the forest; which they really didn't need to since I know this place like the back of my hand. What? How? You may be asking? Well when I was younger and my mom first opened the flower shop with my dad I wanted to be so like her so bad that I searched far and wide, well, as far as I could go, for different flowers.

I went to all of the flower shops in the area and asked them where they got all of their pretty flowers, but they said all of their flowers came from out of state, which made me sad, but then they said that they all had heard that the biggest and prettiest flowers great at the top of the mountain. I took their advice and went on the mountain and obtained many different and types of flowers never seen before in Japan, I made my mother happy, but not my dad.

My father was fine with my mother working with flowers since he said that was the only other thing girls enjoy besides cooking and cleaning for their men. He said boys like me weren't supposed to go near those things, he lied to me and told me that they would kill me if I went near them, yet it was clearly a lie since I would have been dead the moment I seen mom first put flowers on the dining room table.

Instead of hunting for flowers while we were there, father took me up the mountain to fish and hunt; he had us play pretend... That we were animals. He said that's what all hunters do on their first day of training, to hunt the animal, you must become the animal, learn their traits and techniques since all animals are different.

He had us strip naked and catch our pray with only our hands and a small hunting knife since we didn't have claws or really sharp teeth, things he said we would eventually fix. Which he did, over the few months of us doing this my nails grew sharper from how much time that they were sharpened, scrapped, across the forest floor; we weren't allowed to walk on 2 feet during this time either.

My teeth, those are things that never changed even after we stopped, whatever we killed, we beheaded and ate, he only let me eat the bones though, said it would help my teeth sharpen faster, which it did. After a few more months he believed I was fine to go off on my own, what he didn't know is that when we split up to hunt I would always go pick flowers mama said she liked and ones that sold the most in her shop.

I would play by the lake and talk to the animals, prance with the deer, sing with the birds, but my all-time favorite thing, was racing with the wolves. With them I was free, everyone had their own role their, but at least you could do whatever you wanted their and not have to fear punishment unless you broke one of the rules, which were no where near as minor as the rules dad had for me. I did this all time I had freedom from my father and he never found out about it, at least that's what I had hoped at the time.

He eventually did find out though, and when he didn't like it; he snarled at me, like an actual animal and chased me down; I was smaller and faster, but he was bigger and more skilled so it didn't take very long. When he did catch me he pinned me on the base of a big tree that was leaning over the edge of a very steep cliff, it was sturdy enough not to break, but it was still a terrifying thought of the fall.

My father had me pinned by my neck and told me that if I wanted to act like a gay girl, he would treat me like one; I wished that I had known that we were still in training mode, I would have fought back quicker, struggled more. My father told me, the first few days, what the animals of all genders do in the forest; he had me write every single thing down.

He told me the males hunted, fought, and worked for their lives while the female was only there to make do with the food brought and feed the man, to clean the home where the man shall stay and sleep, and... And to be forcefully bred whenever the man feels, to c-care for the children and be ready to have more without a w-word. (I'M SO SORRY LADIES, I PERSONALLY HATE ALL OF THIS MYSELF) He told me that if I wanted to be a female in the wilderness, than he would breed me like one, which he did; and continued to do for years until my mom had seen the marks the day she chose that I was growing up too fast and wanted to bath me herself.

My mother was overprotective of me and never trusted anyone around me except my father, but it seemed like she couldn't even trust him. She wanted to take him to court, to have him punished for everything he did to me, but the lawyers wouldn't do it, my father was the most feared mafia man in all of Japan and if you did anything against him, he would have you killed.

So now with my father against us, my mother and I had to pack everything up and move far away to secluded part of Japan; my father pretty much took everything so we didn't have a lot. My father had taken all of our money and scraped clean every safe and bank account except the ones related to my mom's flower shop, it's like he was scared he would turn into a gay girl too.

Even with that money though it was barely enough to scrape by so we had to make do with what we can and... Hire a group of hitman to protect us... A group called Clayton's cattle, the bulls of Japan, always out to see red blood. It was during that time we found out my mother was sick as well, but it was too late, we had already paid the hitmen to protect us and with them demanding almost all of our money every month we couldn't afford to get my mama treatment.

I'm not going to tell her, I'm not going to tell her what I was told at the clinic that day they were giving free checkups to children and teens, she won't ever have to know, she has enough to worry about already; I won't tell her that I'm slowly developing the sickness too.

"Hey Karma come on!" I heard Ren and Gakushuu yell back to me from where I was staring into the forest from in front of a bush. I scratched the back of my head embarrassed, "Oh, right, coming!" I squeak running to catch up as they laugh. Nope, I won't tell...

AHHHHHHHH!!!! Nooooo!!!! Why do I do these things to my babies!?! Well, now you learned about why Karma's in this situation, did I go over Gakushuu's past too? Idk, I'm too lazy, if you're up to it, go look and comment of I did. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Comment your thoughts and opinions down below, I'll see you all in the next chapter, b-byeeee!!!!!

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