Let me help

820 39 21

Karma's p.o.v.
I ran out of the school and through the crowded streets as fast as my legs could carry me. It was time that everyone got off work so I had to do a lot of dodging to get around the tired men and women of Japan. I didn't even spare a glance at the boy manhandling my bullies back in the direction of the school. I didn't have the patience, I didn't have the time, I... I had to make it in time.

When I finally got close enough I was a few streets away and I could see the long line from here. Oh mom.... Shit. My thoughts were cut from me as I ran across the busy streets only to see bright lights come from beside me. The last thing I heard was screams and the screeching of tires before I was flung into the air and then back on to the pavement of the road.
(Time skip: some time later)
I groaned and grabbed my head as a harsh pain ran through it. This headache had to be worse than what I hear about the migraines you have after drinking.

The people and sirens didn't help either "He... Hey ki... You lright?" I heard a voice ask, but my head. It was hurting to much. I closed my eyes and blocked everyone out as I thought back to what I was doing before I was hit. I was running.. away from someone? Something? No. I was running to somewhere... I had to get there in time, but.... In time for what? Today is Wednesday... The 12th.... What? "E-exuse me sir? But may I ask... What time it is?" I rasp out to the medic that was looking over my wounds, holding my like I was a piece of shattered glass.

He paused to look at me as if I was serious before nodding and looking at his watch "Uh yeah, it's 6:30, but can I ask wh-" I gasped and removed my body from his grip as fast as I could without hurting myself to much. I didn't spare anyone of the concerned citizens around me a final glance as I took off in the direction of the shop. I knew I had to give them an explanation though, so I did so while running away. "Sorry! I have to go! I'm running late for something, but I'm fine I swear! No I'm not pressing charges and I swear I'll pay for anything I broke or you used on me! Bye!!" I yelled waving a hand as I slipped into the shadows of the alley I ran into.

It was hard to breathe with the pain in my chest and even harder to move with the pain I felt everywhere, but I couldn't stop. I have to do this,I had to get to the shop, I'm an hour late and the greater service the more money we can collect which is what we really need. I run into the alley where I passed the 3 stooges this morning and was thankful that they weren't there, I already had enough problems to deal with. By the time I got to the shop the sky was pitch black and I saw that the only person in the shop was an old man buying a simple rose.

That... This was impossible, with Valentines day in only a few weeks and with Mom working the shop on her own.. I... How? "Agh" I gasp grabbing my head, all this thinking was making my already bad migraine hurt worse than it already was. I held still for a minute or 2, letting the pain dissipate before chalking down this mystery as a miracle. I limped my way up to the door and held it open for the old man as he walked out. He nodded his head in thanks before reaching towards his wallet, my eyes widened and I shook my head no, even though it caused me more pain. He only gave me a smile that challenged me to stop him making me sigh with my own smile as I accepted the small bill.

After he made sure I had in gripped tightly in my hand he softly patted my shoulder before nodding again and walking off. I gripped my chest as I took in a deep breath before limping inside and turning the sign to closed. I silently limped my way up to the counter where my mom was turned around talking to someone on the phone. When she finished up she turned around and gasped with a smile when she saw me. "Karma there you are," She exclaimed hugging me "Karma you'll never believe what happened toda-" she cut herself off as she pulled away and saw blood covering her arms.

She gasped as she looked at her arms to me then back to her arms before she spun me around and looked at my back making me silently wince. She covered her mouth with shaking hands as she sat me down on one of the spinning stools "Mom, mom, calm down. I'm fine I swear-!" She cut me off by shaking her head. She kept trying to talk to me, but nothing was coming out making her look like a fish out of water, eventually she did speak, but it wasn't directed at me. "Young Man! Young man! I need you out her-re! I  need your help, hurry! And bring some alcohol and bandages please!" She yelled towards the backroom.

I stood confused "Wait, mom? Young man? Did you hire someone? Look, I know I was late, especially on today, but it was a one time thin- you know we don't have the money to pay for any help around here! Oh God, you're gonna have to fire him! Mom you'r-" she cut me off again. She sat me in the stool again and was whispering words of comfort to me when I saw a head covered in strawberry-blonde hair walk through the door from the backroom.

Hiiiii!! So how was that!? I think I did pretty good? What about you? Ummmm..... Well that's it? I guess... So... Yeah. Sorry, I know I'm awkward now... Ehhhhh. Comment you ideas!

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