Video Games

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Karma's p.o.v.
I sniffle and wipe my nose, wincing and grimacing as some blood cane back on my arm. I'm fine, really, just wasn't really paying attention when carrying some boxes and ran into a door frame. Kind of ironic really when I use this excuse a lot when I go out into public, huh. Anyway, I shake my head as I kiss my mom goodbye, not thinking to tell her about the needed money since she's given so much already for me to go to school. Yet I can already feel her pushing what feels like 11201 yen into my pocket, I wince and immediately pull back from our hug to complain but she shushes me.

"Silence child, Gakushuu already called me and explained the situation knowing you would be hesitant. Heck, he even tried to pay for all your expenses, but you better believe I'm not coming out to my future son in law like some cheapskate mama!" She said smirking with a certain twinkle in her eye. "Mom!" I cry out shocked "Oh hush, you think I wouldn't know my own son is gay? The audacity, now get out of here before you miss breakfast, go shoo! And don't think I don't know about them coming to the shop later today, Gakushuu informed me of that as well so I wouldn't be surprised. Some son you are, but don't worry, I'll have this place nice and clean by the time you get here" she stated proudly while I stand here staring in shock.

"Well? What are you standing here for? Go!" She said as I looked at the clock. "Shoot!" I say rushing to finish the hug and kiss her cheek "Love you mama, thank you! I'll see you later" I say rushing out the door and down the street to school. I try not to repeat since that day I got hit by that car, but I still always seem to run through traffic unconsciously when I'm in a rush.

Luckily, I manage to get to the bottom of the mountain by 8:10 as everyone's walking down. My throat is dry so when they call out my name and say greetings, all i can do is wave. Gakushuu and Ren notice my panting though "Are you okay Karma? You're looking a bit flushed" Ren said as Gakushuu felt my head "And your burning up!" He exclaimed, drawing some attention from the others. Not that the attention wasn't nice, but it was certainly unwanted since I wasn't very much used to it. "No, no, I'm fine" I state sincerely, trying to shut down their concern and to get the attention off me "Just a little flushed from running her-" "You ran here as well!?" Ren yelled his voice cracking a bit making him blush, but he still held his stern glare like I was a child who should know better.

This made me a bit angry, but since I don't get angry often, I'm assuming that it didn't show on my face like I wanted, since Gakushuu and Ren's angry faces started to melt and soften. I huffed while, I assumed, pouting and had to resist the urge to stomp my foot like a toddler who didn't get his way; I took one of each of their hands into my own. "Shuu, Ren-kun, I'm fine, really, can we just go eat?" I ask blushing when I noticed everyone was looking now. Both Ren and Gakushuu opened their mouths to argue further, but closed them when they saw the embarrassment on my face, so they reluctantly nodded their heads in silence. This made the color return to my face as I beamed at them and held their hands tighter, they both turned bright red as I giggled "Are you two sure you're okay now?" I ask as they fanatically nod their heads making me laugh again. Luckily, they were saved from their embarrassment by the teachers walking down the hill and calling the class to load up in the given school bus, which I was surprised that we were allowed to use. (I feel like this is turning into a Ren/Karma/Gakushuu fic)

We all loaded into the bus, Ren, Gakushuu, and I all piling into the 3 person seat at the back as I bounced on the squishy seat covering, having never actually been on any type of vehicle besides riding the flower cart on hot days. Ren chuckled "You having fun there?" He asked making me blush and stop, folding into myself a bit, now suddenly self conscious. Gakushuu saw this and smacked Ren on the back of his head before hissing something in his ear making Ren's widen before he nodded and cleared his throat. "So Karma? What are you gonna have for breakfast?" He asked changing the subject making me smile "Oh, I don't know, hopefully something cheap, I don't really have that much to be spending" I said blushing at how poor I sounded. My face is gonna be red for the whole day I guess, luckily before either could respond we were at a restaurant. Oh? The Sakura Cafe, cheap!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Time Skip)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(I didn't want to talk about them eating, but if you really want to hear about it, I'll talk at lunch)

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