Scheduling my demise

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Karma's p.o.v.
Gakushuu's dad, or, well, Mr. Asano was nice, a little creep though. The way he gripped my hand and stared at me gave me the creeps, it was almost like my father, yet not at the same time. He took to an approach like that of a predator at first, yet still managed to hold concern in his eyes, I shook my head this was all giving me a headache. I continued drinking my strawberry milk as we made our way up the mountain, we still had a little ways to go, but hopefully the note from Mr. Asano should help. I'd hate for Gakushuu and Ren to get in trouble just because I was thirsty. We walked in silence for the most part, well I walked in silence,  Ren and Gakushuu kept whispering and glancing at me like I was some mutant zoo animal on display. I couldn't help but sigh in relief once we finally made it to the top, I didn't want to be rude and interrupt them, but I did feel a little hurt by their secret conversation that was clearly about me.

With this, I proceeded to speed walk towards the door, gaining confused look from Ren and Gakushuu, hmph, serves them right. I continued like this until I got to the door of the class where I heard lots of loud chatter from inside which struck me as odd since this was normally the time we had history, and everybody hates history. I slowly slid the door open and peered inside to see everyone crowded around Korosensei's desk with he, Irina-sensei, and Karasuma-sensei all standing around in the back. No one seemed to have noticed me yet, all engaged in their own conversations, but I wasn't going to let this stop me as my curiosity got the better of me. I walked next to Itona, since he seemed like the silent and watching type, he ought to know what's going on.

Luckily, Itona didn't jump and scream and hit me like I thought he would. That's the reaction some customers give when I unintentionaly sneak up on them in the shop. He just looked at me with a raised eyebrow while he eyed me over, I shivered, it feel like he was undressing me with his eyes. Once he was done, he gave me his full attention, but not before licking his lips though, this made me blush and break into a stutter. "U-um, hello Itona-kun, i-I was wondering what y-you all were doing?" I managed as he titled his head with wide eyes. I nearly awed at his face, his looked like a confused puppy, it took a second, but he answered me "well, we were having history, until we got to the topic of repeating history like we repeat everyday classes, so the teachers are letting us for a schedule for the tomorrow as a project and a reward since tomorrow is Friday" he said with a blank face before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the front.

Once we got there my own eyes widened as I saw the huge list the would be compiled into the next few hours, wondering if we would even have the time to accomplish it all during school ours, so I decided to question it. "E-excuse me" I softly called out yet still making everyone jump in surprise, huh, I guess they didn't see Itona drag me up here. "Oh! Sorry Karma-kun, didn't see you there!" Isogai said as he set Maehara down from where he jumped into Isogai's arms. Huh. "I-its okay, I was actually wondering, u-um, how you all think you're g-gonna do all of this in the 8 school hours you have tomorrow" I said as their eyes widened, this was also the time I heard Gakushuu and Ren come in but that's unimportant since I'm still mad at them.

Anyway, like I was saying, their eyes widened as they realized what I was say was true "Well, first off, it's we, you're apart of this class too now Karma, and secondly... you're right" Maehara stated, deflating as he realized the fact we now faced. But luckily, Isogai, forever the ikeman he is, had a solution "Ooh, I know, lets have a vote, we'll compile everything into a list that will be voted on to be done during that hour, that way we won't have to argue about who wants to do what during what hour" he stated as the class nodded and buzzed with excitement once more now that the problem was solved. I took my chance to step out of the circle, not even think of voting since I've only heard of the things on the list, but since I have no real experience with them, I wouldn't even know where to begin when choosing.

Unfortunately, fate decided that since I already had one broken leg, why not cut off the other one, not literally I mean, dear god no. No, what i mean is that, the others have gotten into another argument and want me to fix it by choosing from a list, I've never even had the chance to look at before. "Hey, Karma, if it wouldn't be so much trouble, could you help us out here?" Ren asked with a shy, yet sly smile, this caused me to furrow my eyebrows and pout, do i want to be involved with their madness? no, am i going to anyway?..... Unfortunately yes.

I walk over to the group again only to see that they've split up into to side around the schedule they've set up like a pie chart. I felt the immediate anxiety and shyness build and shoot up like a rocket at all of the eyes on me, I kept mine down. "Wh-what seems to be the problem?" I ask, only glancing up every so often Isogai talked this time "well, we did the vote like we said, and everything's gone pretty well for the most part, the only things is, we can't decide what to do before we go home tomorrow. All of the votes have evened out, so we need you to make the final decision, we can't decide what to do for the final 30 minutes, none of us want to go home, yet we also don't know what would be close enough to the theater and be able to do in 30 minutes. Here's what we have so far"

*Meet Up 8-8:30

*Breakfast 8:30-9:30

*Arcade 9:30-10:30

*Mall 10:30-12:30

*Pool 12:30-2:30

*Lunch 2:20-3:30

*Rollerskating 3:30-4:30

*Movie 4:30-5:30

My eyes widened at the things they had planned, it seemed like a lot to me. "What do you think? Most of the boy's want to hit the arcade, we could get there in ten minutes if we take the bus and have 20 minutes to spare, but the girls want to get to the mall again before times up, but that will take 15 minutes!" Maehara groaned before Rio smacked him the back of the head "So what do you think Karma, mall or Arcade?" She asked as everyone turned to me again, I felt like my heart was beating out of my chest. "I-i-u-um, I w-wouldn't know, I haven't b-been to either b-before, i-in fact, i-I've never been to a-anything on this l-list" I said, I felt like it was necessary so I wouldn't have to give my opinion, but I had the total opposite effect.

The entire class went silent as the stared at me in shock and awe, ever the teachers paused their conversation to look at me, finally Gakushuu, ever so brave, broke the silence "you've never been to any of these places b-before? Not to the arcade o-or even the mall?" He asked as he stare got sharper. I shrunk into my self further as I shook my head "N-no, we never had the extra money" I kept it short and simple, they didn't need to know the full extent of my situation, and I didn't want their pity. The silence carried on for another full second before a screaming match took place "He needs the arcade to experience his abilities with hand eye coordination" screamed Maehara, "No, he needs the mall to experience different cultures and the value of haggling prices" Rio yelled back. Isogai, Kanzaki, the teachers, and I just stood back either watching, or trying to calm everyone down.

Oddly enough though, it was Itona who was the one to stop the upcoming violence, wether it was a good or bad thing.... ehhh, it was a bad thing. "Hey, if we're going to do anything, I believe it should be what was promised to us, a trip to Karma's flower shop" he called, startling everyone into silence, before the room was filled with smug grins and calm murmurs of what was to come. Why did I feel like they were scheduling my demise.

You know for a person who doesn't go outside.... nah, that's it. But no for real though, I go to the movies once every 2 years, go to the pool once every summer, haven't been skating in years, so this list was very hard to come up with. Idk, what do you guys do for fun. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed, don't forget to leave a like and comment your thoughts and opinions down below, and I'll see you all in the next chapter, b-byyyyeee!!!

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