Chapter 3

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"What time are you going home babe?" Alex was on the other line.

"At around 5 baby, you want something for me to bring later?"

"Uhm, I want some pizza babe." I said as I was folding Ian's little onesies.

"Noted, what are you doing now baby?"

"Arranging our baby boy's closet." I smiled to the idea that Alex and I are going to have a son.

"Don't do heavy things okay Delly? I'll be there as soon as I can. I love you."

"I love you too and be fast okay? Ian's been kicking frequently today, I want you to be here." I smiled.

"Oh boy, I'm excited! Love you both!" With that, Alex hung up the phone.

As soon as I finished preparing his nursery bag, I heard my tummy grumbled.

"Are you hungry baby? 'Cause mummy do." I fondled my bump.

I went down to the kitchen to prepare myself a quick snack. I opened the pantry and grabbed the cupcake mix.
I was currently preparing the batter, when someone rang the doorbell.

"Baby you know you don't-" I was cut off when I saw no one from the outside.


I shrugged off my thoughts and decided to get back inside but as I was about to close the door, my sight landed on the floor.

There was a black box with a black ribbon tied on it. I can't recall that there is a package that was going to be sent to me.

I still picked up the box and went inside.

"What's this?" I said as I placed the box on the table. I kneeled down and started to untie it.

There was no label of who this package was intended for or whom it came from.

"Oh my God!" I moved backward as I saw a dead bird inside of it. The box was almost red inside because of the terrifying blood.


That was what written on the paper at the top of the bird.

I quickly grabbed my phone and called Alex.

"H-hello A-alex... W-where are you? I stuttered on my words.

"Why are you crying Adele? Wha-"

"Just answer me! Where are you? I need you here now please!" My cries are getting louder.

"I'll be on my way baby. Keep safe okay?" Alex sounded worried.

"O-okay please be fast... I'm scared Alex..." I hung the phone and locked myself at our bedroom.

My nightmares... What if that'll happen?

I curled myself at our bed and hugged my knees.

"Alex please... Where are you?" I'm starting to bite my nails as the image of the bird paranoids me.

Who would have done that? I have no idea...

"Babe!" Alex busted through the doors that caused my body to jump.

"A-alex!" I immediately run to his arms and buried my face on his chest.

"What happened Adele? Why are you crying?" Alex cupped my face and stared to my red puffy eyes.

"S-someone sent me a box..." I sobbed as my voice trembled.

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