Chapter 7

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"Del I will leave you for awhile now to buy some groceries, but promise me you'll not gonna harm yourself again honey." Mum tucked me on my bed like a little sick kid and I hate that.

"Hmm..." That's the only response I gave to her before she left.

I feel so very bad for treating my mother like that but I can't help it. Even though how hard I tried to be nice to her, I couldn't... I just can't bring the old Adele back.

Tomorrow is Alex and Ian's burial and I don't have any plans to show up on that day. I can't stand seeing my life being buried six feet under the ground, while I am still here in this world, wishing I could join just them.

I stood up and settled my feet on the cold ground. This is the first time I'm going to get up from my bed thenceforth my mum rushed me to the hospital.

My head was a little bit spinning maybe because I lost a lot of blood. Mum shouldn't have donated her blood for me on the first place, I'm almost there you know.

"Ugh!" I sighed as I experienced having troubles in going downstairs.

"They should've let me die!" I begin to cry out of my frustrations.

Every time I wake up, it's like millions of knives are stabbing my heart. It's like you're being killed so slowly and painfully.

"Where's my alcohol?! What the fuck!" I spitefully cursed.

"You don't need them Adele..." Mum said behind me. I know she's hurt.

"I need them mum! I need them more than anything from this bullshit world!" I placed my left hand on my hip while the other on my forehead.

"Baby please...-"

"Be happy again? Move on? Forget them? Continue my life? What mum?! I'm so tired hearing that from you! I'm so tired to all of you who keeps on telling me that I should live again! You should just leave me mum! Leave me like what my family did! Leave me alone!" I saw my mum jumped a little as soon as I raised my voice.

What have you done Adele?...

"I will never ever leave you my daughter... You're the only one I have in my life... Please don't send me away Adele, you are my life... I love you my baby." Mum wrapped me on her warm arms and cried on my chest.

I wanted to hug her back and show that I love her too but my heart is already dead inside.

"I'm not your life mum because your daughter has already died... I'm not the Adele I was before..." I broke the hug and slowly pushed her away from me.

"Baby please don't this to me..." Mum sobbed as she tried to hold onto my hands but I keep on shaking it off.

"I already put the money on your bag. I won't go on their burial..." I quickly shifted my gaze to the ground, suppressing my tears.

"Adele, you need to be-" I cut off mum again.

"You may now go mum-"


"Go!" I yelled and pointed on the door.

"I-i'm sorry..." Mum's lips quivered as she nonplussed on grabbing her things. She quickly went out of the kitchen and got out from my house.

As soon as I heard her car engine start, I broke down, releasing all of the cries I suppressed awhile ago.

"M-mum I-i'm really sorry... I need you my mummy..." With rue in my heart, I longed for her warm hugs.

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