Chapter 5

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"Mummy!" I saw a baby seated on a ground full of grass. He was reaching his little hands to me, begging for me to carry him.

"Hi little baby... Where's your mummy?" I placed him on my hip and held his little fingers.

"You are his mummy..." I heard a voice from a man behind me.


"Hi babe!" Alex wrapped his arms around us.

"Alex?" I widened my eyes as my orbs met his.

"Yes baby! Oh hi Ian!" Alex quickly pecked my lips and cooed on the baby.

"Ian? He's Ian?" I shift my stare to the baby boy on my hip.

"Yes Delly, he's our son." Alex caressed my cheeks.

"Oh my God... Hello my baby boy!" I wrapped my arms around his little body and hugged him.

"Mummy!" Ian giggled and held the sides of my face.

"He really look like you Alex." I rested my head on his shoulder as we sat on the lawn.

"Lol he got your bum chin Delly." Alex chuckled and tousled softly our baby's hair.

"And my eyes! Oooh! Green eyes like mine!" I was astonished as I was mesmerised by my baby.

"Daddy!" Little Ian lifted his arms to Alex.

"Come here baby boy." Alex cradled him on his arms as Ian slowly drifted to sleep.

"You're such a great dad babe..." I cupped Alex's face.

"And you will be a great mum at the perfect time Delly..." Alex flashed a half smile.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked while I stroke my baby's face.

"Adele, you can't be with us now..."

"What? No! I can't understand you Alex!" I begin to tear up.

"You will soon babe... You will when you wake up..." Alex wiped away my tears.

"Wake up? I really can't-" I was cut off by a voice from a woman.

"Baby... Adele please wakeup... Don't leave mummy..." The woman was sobbing.

"Mum?" I looked around us, trying to find where mum is.

"Delly, you need to go back. Penny is waiting for you..." Alex held my shoulder.

"No Alex! I'm not gonna leave without the two of you!" I hugged them tightly.

"Baby, it's not yet your time-"

"But Alex! I don't want live anymore! I want to be with you and Ian!" I begin to cry.

"Shhh, baby... Everything will be fine Delly, I promise you... We'll always be here by your side baby...." Alex cupped my face.

"You promised me that you're not going to leave me Alex! Promises are meant to be broken! I don't want you to pledge anything to me, I want you and our baby to come back with me! That's all I want now!" My voice was cracked as my tears flows down uncontrollably.

"Adele... You know we can't. We have no reasons to live anymore baby... I mean, it's really our time..." I saw Alex's tears wet his lips.

"How about me? How am I going to live without you by my side? Alex, you know my world revolves around you and Ian! Please don't do this to me!" I gripped on his shirt as I bowed down my head.

"Adele, we really still want to be with you... But we can't do anything now... There's nothing we can do baby... I'm sorry..." Alex lifted my face and kissed my lips.

His kiss felt so true, so full of passion. It tasted like when our lips connected for the first time.

"I love you Delly, promise me you'll be strong for us..." Alex sniffed and faintly smiled.

"I don't know Alex... I don't know... But i-i love you both..." I kissed my baby's forehead and Alex's too.

"Adele!" I heard the woman's voice again.

"You need to go baby... We'll watch you from here..." Alex stroked my hair as my tears escaped from my tired eyes.

"A-alex... Please wait for me... Promise me you'll wait for me..." I hugged him tightly like it was going to be our last.

Well, actually it is

"Delly, someone's waiting for you out there... Promise me you're still going to be happy with someone else... I want you to feel again the happiness I gave you."

"Nothing in this world can replace you in my heart Alex, no one." I buried my face on his chest, resting my hands to our baby's body.

"I know someday, someone will. You will find someone like me Delly... Someday..." My consciousness began to slip from me as Alex calmly soothed my hair.

I don't think I'll find someone like you Alex...

Suddenly, I heard machines beeping around me sounding crazy.

"Baby..." I felt someone rubbed my hand so I tried my best to open my eyes.

I saw my mother crying over me, calling my name.

"A-alex..." I whimpered as I felt a pain on my side.

"Adele? Oh my God baby! You're alive!" Mum quickly embraced me and kissed my forehead.

"Where am I? Where's my family mum?" I rubbed my temples as I tried to recall what had happened.

"A-adele... They already left... I'm sorry baby..." My nightmares and dream awhile ago flashed on my mind.

"No! I want to die! I don't want to live anymore!" I began to move frantically from my bed.

"Baby don't say that... I need you..." Mum cried as she held my arms.

"I need my family! I need my Alex! I need my baby!" I screamed and cried, kicking my feet and juddering my arms.

Suddenly, I saw a doctor and nurses came in.

"Ms. Adkins please calm down! You're stitches are still not healed." The doctor tried to hold my hand.

"Don't touch me! I don't fucking care! I want to die! I want my family!" I whined with my eyes shut close.

"Baby please..." Mum wrapped her arms around me but I kept on shrugging it off.

All I want is my two boys! Nothing more!

"I'm sorry Mrs. Adkins but we need to do this to your daughter." The doctor said as he pulled out a syringe.

"I understand doctor..." Mum silently cried.

"No! Don't touch me! Get away from me!" The nurses started to grab my both arms and held me tightly.

"L-let... Me... D-die..." That was the last words I uttered before I felt supper sleepy.

Please just let me...

A/N: absolutely lovin' these kinds of shit dramas, I'm sorry ✌😘 hope you enjoy this somehow 💞 x

- A.

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