Chapter 10

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Today, I'm going to visit Adele and see how she is currently doing right now. I'll also ask her to go out to inhale some fresh air and release the stresses somehow.

"What the fuck?!" My eyes widened as soon as I pulled my car to her drive way, seeing a "for sale" sign on her lawn.

"Adele!" I knocked on her door, terrified that I came too late.

"Babe please!" I continued knocking till I felt my knuckles sore.

"She left..." I murmured to myself as I grabbed my phone.

"Answer please..." I bit my lower lip and fingers are fidgeting.

"Lau-" my heart raced a thousand miles, hearing my best friend's cracked voice.

"Where are you? Please Adele, come back!" My tears began to fall as I felt like choking by my sobs.

"I-I can't..." I heard her sniffing and crying too.

"Donut please don't do this to me... To us... Penny will be worried of you Adele."

"I need to Laura... I need to find myself."

"You're not lost Adele, we are here for you."

"No, you don't understand me!" Adele's voice began to raise.

"I very well understand you Adele! You're my best friend!" I cried out of frustrations.

"How? You're not even in my situation Laura! So stop telling me you understand me, because we both know you don't really!"

Ouch... It hits me like a truck...

"I don't need to be in your situation to understand you Adele. Seeing you being like this is enough for me tell how much you needed someone to-"

"I don't need anyone, I don't need your help because no one from you can get me out from this fucking life!" I was left speechless with the words she let go of.

I can't believe Adele turned out into a person whom I cannot really recognize anymore. She really changed a lot.

"I-I'm sorry Laura... Please... Just let me be on my own self... I'll be fine." Adele's voice calmed down and became vulnerable in tone.

"Donut, just let me know where place you are into now."

"I can't Laura... I can't let you and mum waylay me from my plans." Adele's voice sounded dry and emotionless.

"B-but y-your mum Adele-"

"Just do me a favor Lau... Don't look for me anymore because I won't let you all find me. I love you and tell mum I love her too. I will be healed, I promise..."

"Del, I can't-"

"Cope with it Lau, do it for me." My tears are now uncontrollably falling, heart clenching to every hurtful words Adele said.

"I-I love you donut..." I said as my lips quiver.

"I love you too Lau and thanks for everything. Take care of yourself... I'll go." Before I was able to answer back, Adele already cut the phone call.

I tried to ring her phone again but it seems like she already blocked my number.

Oh Adele... How could anyone in this world can break your precious heart? You don't deserve this kind of life...

Love In The DarkNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ