Chapter 11

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"Here you go ma'am." The land lady gave me the keys to my new house.

"Thank you." I faked a smile at her without pulling off my sunglasses.

I opened the doors and directly went to the master's bedroom, leaving my luggage below the bed.

I pulled out my outfit for tomorrow together with my basic necessities and my white robe.

After my quick shower, I skipped dinner and went to sleep immediately. Ready for an another sleepless night with my nightmares that never left me.


"Oh hello Adele!" Lance said as he offered his hand.

"Where's the contract?" I dryly said as I shook his hand shortly.

"Relax, here." He smirked as he handed me the piece of paper.

Too confident Lance

"So yeah, when do you want to record your debut album?" Lance said while keeping the contract inside his drawer.

"As soon as possible. Is tomorrow's okay?" I grabbed my pack of smoke and began to puff.

"Sounds like a plan. Aren't smoking bad for your-" I'm so done with people's shit opinions.

"I can do whatever I want Lance." I took a deep inhale and blew it.

"Okay, I'm sorry." He smirked and offered me some mint candies.

"No thanks, I've got plenty with me." I raised my eyebrows and grabbed my things.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow." Lance stood up from his chair, about to walk me towards the door.

"I'm fine, you don't have to." I placed my hand in front of me, making him sit back to his chair as I stepped outside from this bloody room.

Another stupid man...

I decided to loose myself tonight by doing bar hopping, plus I need to be familiarized with this place.

After I got to my house, I took a shower and changed my clothes. I put on a black tight jeans that went ripped on my knees paired with my black bodycon top and a black coat. Not to forget my big sunglass for my eye bags and tired orbs.

I got to my car and checked on my bar list. 3 pubs are enough for this night. I swiped a red lipstick to my chapped lips and went inside.

"Give me your strongest drink here." I said as I sat on the stool.

"Are you sure ma'am-" the bartender noticed that I don't have any companion with me.

"Am I kidding?" I took off my sunglasses and raised my eyebrows, giving him my sharpest look.

"I'm sorry ma'am... Coming up." He gathered the ingredients and mixed it in front of me.

Here's to the night I won't give any single fuck to my nightmares!

After spending two hours on that crappy bar, I decided to head on my next destination.

London's best pub

"I'd like to order your best seller please." I said as I scrolled down to my phone, blocking my old friends and family's numbers.

"Madame, that shot contains 7 spirits-"

"I. Don't. Fucking. Care." I said through gritted teeth as I lifted my face up.

"O-okay, I'm sorry..." Stupid humans.

After that devil's shot I ordered another cocktail, making me almost fell from my seat.

"One more." I barely speak clearly as I held down my margarita.

"Hey, don't give her another drink anymore. She's drunk, can't you see?" A deep voiced man beside me said.

"Who are you to stop me?" I shifted my gaze to him and honestly I can't even recognize faces anymore.

"Don't listen to him. Give me that." I got the drink from the bartender's hand and immediately gulped it down.

"That's her last. I'll report you to your manager if you will still obey her." I saw the man grabbing some money from his wallet, ready to settle my bills.

"Go away! I can pay for my own!" I said as I pushed his hands away from the bill, settling my money on the counter.

My vision is getting worst every second and I can feel my world's already turning so bad.

I heard the two men's voice but I can't barely understand them.

"Come on." The deep voice, bearded man took my arms and rested it on his shoulders.

"What the fuck?! Don't you touch me! You maniac!" I pushed him to the side and run back to my car.

As I was about to open my car's door, I felt hands on top of mine.

"Leave me or I'll shout for help?" I seriously said to the man.

"I'm here to help and-" I immediately cut him off by screaming at the top of my lungs.

"Somebody help! Help me! He's raping me-" I was cut off when his lips crashed on mine.

Holy mother of fucking cow! He's really about to rape me!

A/N: spoiler alert! Because all of you has been looking for Simon... Enjoy x

- A.

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