Chapter 8

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I haven't seen Adele since the day she left the funeral and that's 3 days ago.

"Please look after her for me Laura." I phone called Penny to tell her that I will visit Adele and check her out.

"Of course Penny, I'll call you later."

"Thank you Lau..." I heard Penny's voice cracked.

"No need to mention it Penny, I'll do everything for my best friend." I hung up the phone and grabbed my things.

After 15 minutes, I pulled my car to Adele's driveway.

"Donut?" I called out as soon as I entered her house.

Only earsplitting silence welcomed me. I looked around the house and honestly, I got scared. Adele is usually the commutator brush when it comes to hygiene and cleanliness, but as what I am seeing right now... It's like, this house was abandoned for hundreds of decades.

My poor Adele. She don't deserve this kind of life...

"Adele? Babe? Where are you?" I took my steps on the staircase and heard minimal sounds coming from her.

"I-i'm fine Alex as long as you two frequently visits me..." The hair all over my body stood up.

"Oh my God Adele..." I covered my mouth as tears starting to flow down to my face.

My best friend is completely wrecked

"I love you too Alex... I love you my baby boy..." I heard Adele giggled a little bit and then silence came over.

"Donut?" I slowly opened the door and found Adele tucked on her bed.

I can't help myself from yearning that hopefully my best friend can make it through this rain.

I went beside her and arranged her duvet. There were couple of story books on her side, some are still opened. I saw Adele hugging her son's rattle and onesies too.

She almost had it all

I gazed on her face and cried as I remembered the old Adele.

My best friend is a happy woman, full of hopes and positivity. She always tells me that problems are just problems and you don't need to be eaten by those stresses. She always shows me that life is so wonderful and I should make the most out of it. Adele is simply the best friend anyone could ask for, she's the most lighthearted girl you'll ever met in your entire life.

But looking at her right now, totally breaks my heart. Her face was very pale in color. Her eyes are deeper than the lonely ocean. Her lips are dry like a drought land. Her nose are very swollen and red. Her cheekbones are very shallow that you can't even recognize her at the first glance. Adele had changed physically, emotionally and spiritually. There is no one to be blamed here except Tristan.

"Honey, you know your Laura is always here... You can lean on me Adele... I know you're tired of hearing this from everybody but... I tell you donut, you can do this... You can move on... Maybe not now nor tomorrow or the next coming months, but I am sure Adele... That someday, you will wake up from this nightmare and you can make all through it. I believe in you babe, I believe that Alex and Ian will help you..." I wiped my tears and faintly smiled.

"For now, I just need you to be strong and to keep fighting. No one is rushing you, so you can take your time Del. Time can heal you..." I kissed her forehead and hugged her lightly so that I'll not wake her.

I stood up from her bed and started cleaning her room. After 3 hours, her house was already cleaned. I tried to put everything in place like what Adele would do.

I went to the kitchen and prepared for our dinner. Her fridge was full of food but no signs of being eaten.

How long Adele did not eat? Hours? Days? Oh my God...

I quickly made her a pumpkin soup and soft foods. Having nothing on your stomach for days is hard, I'm sure Adele would just scowl at me for feeding her heavy dinner.

At around 7 o'clock, the dinner is ready. I put everything on the tray and went to her bedroom.


I heard everything what Laura said. I felt every touch she did on my face, even her tears that fell down to my cheeks. I want to hug my best friend, I want to cry on her shoulders but I can't show them that I need someone to move on. All I need is to go away from this place and start a new life on my own. I can't tell mum and Laura about my plans because for sure, they will just hinder me from moving away.

Laura left and went downstairs. I tried to wait for Lau but it took her so long, that's why I totally fell asleep.

"Donut..." I felt her touch on my face.

I slowly opened my heavy eyes and saw my best friend faintly smiling at me. I know she doesn't like seeing me like this, but I can't help it and I can't do anything about it.

"Dinner is ready Del..." Laura placed the tray above my body and helped me sat up.

I need to show her that I am okay somehow so she won't notice any of my plans. I have to be nice to her because this might be our last night being together. I don't know where will I go and when will I come back...

Maybe there's no more coming back...

"Thank you Lau..." I half smiled.

"You don't have to Del, you know I'm always here for you. I won't leave you babe..." Laura tucked my hair behind my ear.

But I will leave you... I will leave all of you... I will leave this place and be on my own...

A/N: I'm starting to feel reluctant towards this novel 😐 no inspirations or what, this is just a forced chap lol. Maybe I'll see you, but don't know when. I need a break 😢 but as soon as my writer soul came back, I promise to smash it for all of you x

- A.

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