25. Limousine Rides

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Mione woke up to peals of laughter. She turned and looked at her bedside alarm clock that hadn't rung. Quarter to ten?  She had never slept in this late. How did she even get into her bed in the first place?  The laughter came again, this time it was followed with a deeper one, and then she remembered the night she had. She hurried to put on her sleeping robe and bedroom slippers and walked to the living room the sight stopped her in her tracts. Oh, how she wished she had a camera to capture this moment;

Draco was in her kitchen flipping pancakes.  Every time he almost dropped one, Lucy and Darcy would erupt into a fit of giggles.  They were all still in their pajamas, the morning cartoons on the TV  had been long forgotten as he held their undivided attention. Draco noticed her in his peripheral vision and give her a wink. Darcy followed her father's gaze and mimicked her father's flirty gesture by winking up at her mother. How had she not seen it before? The resemblance was uncanny.

"Mum! Mum! Guess what?" Darcy said skipping to her mother and hugging her tightly. Mione laughed at her enthusiasm. 


"Dad got me a pony and he says that we can go see it today."

"Oh really?" she said looking away from her daughter to Draco who was smiling devilishly as he put pancake onto Lucy's plate.

"Really. So can we go, Mum? Pretty please!" Darcy said gaining her mother's attention once more. She was full-on pouting; hands clasped together and was bouncing up and down in excitement. Who could turn down such a face?

"Alright, we can go after we get Lucy home." Mione settled.

"I called Lucy's mum and asked if she could hop along. She's more than fine with it. Easter holidays have basically started anyway." He shrugged. 

"I still have work. We've got a big project coming up and I can't affo-"

"Called your agent. She wouldn't mind holding the fort down until you get back." He said with a satisfied smile. 

Mione looked at him in bewilderment.

"I guess all that's left here is to pack then?" she asked sarcastically

"I've finished packing already," Darcy said laughing at her mother's expression

"I'm gonna go take a bath," Lucy said as she finished her last bite of breakfast and hopped from her seat towards Darcy's room

"How long have you been awake?" Mione asked taking Lucy's place at the counter.

"Four," Draco replied pushing a plate of food towards her

"Seven," Darcy said simultaneously finishing up her meal

"What time are we leaving then?" Mione asked looking at the time again, it was five after ten.

"After we all finish our breakfast and get out of our pj's" Draco replied as Lucy emerged wearing one of Darcy's jeans and a hoodie.

"My turn!" Darcy shouted skipping towards her bedroom. Lucy sat in the living room watching the remainder of cartoons. Draco looked as Mione as she ate.

"Do I have something on my face?"

"Just a little." He said as she passed her hand by her mouth.

"Is it gone?" 

"Nope let me." He said before swooping down to plant a kiss on her lips. 

"Draco!" She said in surprise as turned to see if the girls saw


"Wrong time and place."

"The children should see what love is. I'm not afraid of showing affection. Neither should you." He eased away from her blushing face as she cleared her throat. 

"Lucy's things?" Mione said taking a bite of her pancakes. 

"Her mum will meet us at the airport with her things before we hop on my plane."

"You have a plane!?" Darcy's voice exclaimed and her parents turned to look at both her and Lucy who had now turned her attention towards them.

"I also have a limo. We're riding in it today."

"When is it gonna get here?" Darcy asked

"It's here already."

"What are we waiting on then? Come, people. Chop-chop" Darcy clapped her hands impatiently 

 Darcy salivated on the spot when she saw the shiny black vehicle waiting in front of them on the curb. 

"This is so cool!" She yelped as she and Lucy dashed towards the open door held by the driver.

"Good day Draco, Miss Granger."

"Mione, please." She replied as she accepted his greeting.

"Well Miss Mione," Drace smiled taking her hand, "are you ready for an adventure?"

"With you?" She smiled as he handed her into the car.  "Always." 

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