4. Wild Rides & Bitchy Ex-Wives

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It was a deplorable day to be out. His father had warned him many times that day in his own quiet way. His stablemaster, Dexter, was less polite. "A day for the damned fool to kill himself" He muttered as he fastened the saddle onto his boss' favoured horse. He saw the restraint in his employer's eyes. Whenever Draco Malfoy's mouth clamped shut like that you either did his bidding or stayed out of his way. For the third time this week, the cold rain had swept the southern Minnesota countryside.

The Malfoy's had become familiar with the muggle world. After the war, they took refuge in the countryside. Draco's parents had divorced but they maintained a relatively healthy relationship. His father had seen the morning news and called to let Draco know that it had Viktor Krum written all over it. Draco was in turmoil. Whenever and wherever Viktor stroke Blaise fell apart and when that happened, Pansy would call and start making demands. He had accepted her marriage proposal after a night in Miami from their party overload. It lasted a year and a half.  Although he wasn't on good terms with Pansy most of the time, Blaise had always been a brother to him.

He took Yuri out onto the track and they jumped the first fence beautifully. He glided gracefully over the hurdles and pools of water. Both beast and man were soon soaked with rain and mud. Draco's clouded mind became even more jumbled as thoughts of Pansy intruded and he pulled harshly on the reins earning a sound of annoyance from his beast. He got off his saddle and apologized. If riding didn't help him sort out his jumbled thoughts then he would need something much stronger. He handed Yuri to his stablemaster and they both walked up the track to the stables.

"Any calls yet?" Draco asked


'Good, she hadn't call yet maybe this time he would be free.' His hopes were dashed by the shrill ring of the landline.

"I bet it's the bitch," Dexter grumbled

"Have a little respect for my ex-wife. If it's her I'll take it inside." He said patting his faithful horse farewell as he made his way to the main house.

"Sit tight Ms. Parkinson he's on his way in." he heard Dexter before he hung up and began muttering about witches being bitches.

"Not all of them Dex, not all," Draco said more to himself than anyone else. 

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