7. Growing Pains & Class Reunions

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"So, are you going?" Ginny asked referring to the long-awaited Hogwarts reunion.

"Of course, it's been ages since I've seen anyone else from school," Mione replied as she looked over the takeout menu from their favourite Thai restaurant.

"I just can't believe it's finally happening. Cho called yesterday and she said that roughly everyone's going. Well everyone except-"

"Your brother of course. He either has no time or thinks these events beneath him now. You know he hasn't come by to see Darcy in two months?" 

"Has she made any mentions of the missing dad at all?" 

"No thank goodness. I don't know why I thought it would be any different from when we were married." Mione sighed

"I just don't understand him sometimes. It isn't like he was neglected as a child. We all received the same amount of love." 

"It's completely baffling. His idea of fatherhood is to show up at Christmas and birthdays. You have a request? The response would be either 'ask me later' or 'I'm busy right now." Honestly what's to miss?" Mione sighed as she placed their order to be delivered.

"She's a darling regardless," Ginny giggled

"Who's her mother?" Mione smirked

"Modest mother," Ginny stated

"She's a smart girl too."

"Who is her real father then?" Ginny joked sending them both in a fit of giggles

"Clearly she takes preference to me. As of yesterday, she has pierced ears."

"You're joking!" Ginny's eyes widened and laughed and Mione's mournful face

"I wish I was. I could strangle her."

"Get with the times modern, woman," Ginny said rolling her eyes.

"I'm trying.  Everything seems to shift so fast. When I feel like I've got it, it flips. How am I going to cope? She's only eight!"

"Almost nine." Ginny teased and held a nearby pen to her mouth acting as a microphone, "As the single mother of a darling girl, what are your views on makeup for eight-year-olds?" she pushed the pen in Mione's direction.

"Don't get me started on the subject." Mione groaned

" These kids grow up faster today. Just this morning James asked Harry and me when would be an appropriate time to have a girlfriend. "

"What?" Mione laughed. Now, it was her turn to look at Ginny in amazement

"I kid you not. Harry choked on his morning coffee and I nearly burned the toast." Ginny groaned. 

"Delivery for you boss." Amelia, Mione's friend and chief literary agent,  announced dropping the bag of food on her desk. 

"Thank you, Lia. She's been starving me." Ginny said as the rummaged through the bag 

"Thank you, Lia. Help yourself to something." Mione said as she got up with her purse to pay the delivery man. When she walked back in. Ginny and Amelia were both eagerly talking about the reunion to come. 

"I wonder if I should bring my own stash of liquor." Ginny wondered out loud.

"We're getting too old to be drinking for forty-eight hours straight," Mione stated as she gleefully eyed her box of food.

"We aren't old Mione. Only twenty-seven."Ginny emphasized

"Then let me reiterate. I'm not about to go drinking for a full forty-eight hours. "

"Why not?" Amelia asked as she got up from her seat "Take three days off, enjoy it." 

Ginny nodded in agreement and pointed at Amelia's retreating figure "I knew I liked that one for a reason.  It's true. You work too hard, you need some relaxation."

"I'm not averse to the idea of relaxation but I have to work hard to make a living." Mione shrugged

"Especially after Ronald ruined your last publishing house."

"Especially after that." 

After their divorce, Ron proceeded to make Mione's life a living hell. Apart from ruining one of the biggest deals that she had ever gotten, he made friends with people in high places especially the banks. She always remained just outside the bar of bankruptcy and any attempts she made to widen the gap were always beaten down.

"If you need some money Mione, just ask. Harry and I won't mind. You wouldn't even need to pay us back."

"I appreciate the offer but I'm keeping my head above water on my own at the moment." Ginny sighed and shook her head, leave it to her best friend to turn down a good load of money.

"Alright but just make sure to double-check that you've left your weekend free for the reunion."

"Of course. Who wouldn't want to miss all the glorious gossip that'll be around?" Mione said sending them both into a bout of scandalous laughter.

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