17. "You're pacing like a new father!"

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He had been walking ever since he left the apartment. Anger and embarrassment were making his strides long. He could have kicked himself for acting like a schoolboy in love for the first time. He was putting everything at risk. All the people who he employed for this film were costing him salaries even though they weren't on set. All because of some bright-eyed woman that he wanted.

He sat down on the park bench contemplating whether he should go back to the bay or wait. But then, there was Darcy. There was no denying it. One look and you could tell. Darcy was his daughter.

Joy washed over him like a shower of rain. For nine years he'd been a father and hadn't known. While he was trying to forget Mione, his daughter was drooling and learning to walk and talk and sing nursery rhymes. All without him.  She was beautiful. And his. He and Mione and some talking to do.

Mione was halfway down the hall from Darcy's bedroom when the phone rang. She rushed into the living room picking up the receiver immediately;

"Hello?" She answered breathlessly

"Can I come up?"

"Yes. Where are you?"

"On the corner."

"Where have you been?"


"I'm sorry about before." She said referring to Ron.

"I'll be there in five minutes."

Greeting him at the gate, she led the way upstairs to her apartment and softly closed the door behind her. She  invited him to a seat but he declined with a polite coolness She watched him with nervous eyes as he began pacing the room.

"Would you sit down? You're pacing like a new father!"

He huffed and sat down in a chair across from her.

"So who was the man you were playing with when I walked in this evening?"

"I wasn't playing with anyone. That was my ex-husband. The one who cheated on me? We were arguing."

"Could've damned well fooled me."

"I kicked him out right after you left. He claimed he wanted to see Darcy but was only interested in in my private life."

"Oh really?" His eyebrows raised.

"Cross my heart. Or do you want a blood oath too?" She fired back

"I'm jealous as hell Mione. It's something I have to get accustomed to."

"I guess I should be flattered?"

"I'm not trying to flatter."

"Thank you all the same."

"You're welcome." After a moment of silence, he asked. "Why didn't you tell me about Darcy?"

"I know what it looks like but Darcy isn't-" She rushed out.

"That child is mine." He said softly but she heard it.

"No!" Tears were welling in her eyes "I wish she were with all my being but she isn't."

"Why not? I was with you only a few weeks before your wedding."

"A month." She corrected

"Six weeks to be exact." Her wedding date was etched in his memory forever.

"I had a period before and after the wedding."

"What kind?"

"Some light bleeding." She murmured sheepishly. 

"So you could have been pregnant with before the wedding."

"She was born ten months after it."

"I was born close to ten months. My mother had an induced labor didn't I tell you before?"

"Draco...." She began but trailed off putting her head in her hands.

He went to her and turned her head to look at him,  "All you have to do is look at her and you know."

"This is too unreal." She sobbed as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Thank you amica mea for giving me a daughter, I'll take care of you both." He promised kissing her forehead

"I can take care of myself." She said stubbornly.

"I'll pick up some of the slack you smart-ass." He grinned.

"Deal." She smiled back.

He stood up smilingly a d stretched. That was easier than he thought it would be. "Now, if you tell me where the spare room is I think I'll turn in for the night."

"So early?" She teased

"Arguing with the mother of my child is exhausting." He smiled in response

"Promise me something?"


"Keep your girlfriends in the closet."

"How about no girlfriends at all." There would be nobody else but her and his daughter.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you. I love you, always have, and always will." She had given him a daughter and she was healthy. He smiled as he opened Darcy's room and looked at the sleeping frame that was snuggled up under the covers the lights above her bed twinkling. She was angelic.

"We made that." He whispered.in her to her as she joined him at the door

"That we did. Come, let's go to bed." She said pulling him to her room

"Why Miss Granger I do believe you are trying to seduce me." He smiled as he willingly followed her lead

"Is it working?" She asked as they arrived at her bedroom door

"Always." He kissed her and lifted her into his arms as they both made their way into the bedroom.

The next morning in Bulgaria,  Viktor Krum was at his desk an hour earlier than usual. He was leafing through a dozen black and white photos that had been developed just minutes before. They were of a blonde-haired man talking to a young girl with shoulder-length hair. The similarities had been categorized by Krum himself. The nose, hair and even the curve of the upper lip. The child was a girl but she was much better for the purpose. A father would do anything to save his helpless daughter. He finally had a way to pressure Zabini. He would do it through his security blanket.

A young man walked into the room and noted Viktor's satisfied satisfaction.

"The photos were pleasing?"


"The girl seems to be-"

"She is Kai. Not seems. She is."

Kali brushed off the brief surprise at the news. Malfoy had never fathered a child to their knowledge. But this one announced itself out of the blue at just the right time. 

"How do you want this done?" He asked.

"As soon as possible. When you get the chance, grab it. Everything will fall into place afterward." Viktor

"My team is already on standby."

"Excellent."  Krum dismissed his man and looked at the pictures once again. 'Yes', he thought smirking evilly 'all my pawns are lining up perfectly.'

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