27. Confessions and Pleads

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They were making good time as far as he could tell. So far everything was going according to plan. He just had to find some way to tell her that he was leaving soon without having it end in an argument. I pained him to have to leave but it would be safer for them at the end of it all.  He looked at his daughter who was talking at an alarming rate with much exuberance.

'She's perfect'.  

He never thought that the day would come when he would be a father or that he would enjoy it. He looked down at the woman in his arms as she too looked at their daughter. Theirs. He smiled goofily. It felt unrealistic. Too good to be true. The limo stopped and both Darcy and Lucy hopped out of the car impatiently waiting for the adults to get out.

Heads turned as he stepped out of the car and some either did a double-take or dropped their jaws as he held his hand out for the woman who came out of the car behind him. The pair had not a care in the world as they set off for the airfield with their luggage in tow and the two young girls following dutifully behind them.

"Don't we have to check-in?" Mione asked nervously looking at the aircraft they were approaching

"It'll be fast-tracked while we're boarding."

"Um...Draco?" She whispered

"Mione?" He turned to face her and her facial expression said it all.  She really did hate flying. 'Lord she never changed' he thought taking her by the hand.

"It's okay, just breathe. It'll be fine I'll be with you the entire time." She nodded in response.

"Talk to me amica mea."

"Okay." She breathed as some colour came back to her cheeks.

"You alright mum?" Darcy asked looking at her mother in concern. Her eyebrows knitting together the way Draco's did when he was working or worried. Mione wondered again for the millionth time why she had never questioned Darcy's paternity even after she and Ron divorced.

"I'm fine." She reassured her daughter.

"Draco," Mione asked as they got seated.


"Why are your limo windows so tinted?" She whispered as if they were discussing a conspiracy theory

"The windows  in a limo are supposed to be tinted." He chuckled and she turned in her seat to look at him properly. Alarms went off in his head.

"They aren't that dark ." She mocked him. Her voice was calm but her eyes said another.

"Custom made." He said shrugging

"And I suppose the new system on my door was custom made too?" He nodded his head and looked towards the front where Darcy and Lucy were attentively listening to the flight attendant.

"What do you take me for? A fool?" She hissed and he could see now that she was livid.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, you tell me why you feel the need to have your car windows be custom made with bulletproof glass."

How on earth did she know? The seat belt sign dinged and he reached over to clip hers in place as she continued to look at him

"And why did men  who don't even speak English go into our daughter's school to look for her?"

"It's nothing." He said trying to put an end to this conversation but she was ruthless.

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