16. "Damn you, Ronald Weasley!"

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When Draco called the next evening, a different tone of voice welcomed him. Alec was in the room looking over some papers and discreetly watched his boss during his conversation. Draco smiled as she greeted him in a breathless voice.

"Someone sounds happy."

"Understatement of the century! They renewed the note. Theo called me this morning. Can you believe it?!"

"Amazing." He said smiling as he took in her happiness.

"This means it's going to be smooth sailing from here on out!"

"Nott probably had second thoughts after he slept on it."

"You think so? It doesn't sound like him. Should I call back and ask him? I didn't ask any questions just a thank you and hallelujah!"

"I wouldn't do that." Draco said, "No sense in questioning their motives. Ask me about the shoot."

"How is movie-making?" She asked

"Finished two scenes back to back."

"That's amazing!" She squealed

"The accountants sound almost pleased as you."

"That means you'll get here earlier then?"

"The second I'm finished with filming some more and editing the scenes we've shot so far. Tell Darcy she can pick the place to eat. Wherever she likes

"You always did like kids. You should have some of your own. "The silence was deafening. "Oh Draco I'm so sorry, I forgot-"

"It's alright no need to apologize. Let's not ruin your really great mood with this conversation."

"How long are you staying? "

"I'm giving the team the weekend off. What exactly is the protocol surrounding sleeping arrangements with mothers of nine-year-olds? Should I get a hotel room in advance?"

"I want you to stay here."

"Are you sure?"

"I have a spare room."

"And this is how you remained celibate for four years? I should warn you, I sleepwalk from time to time." He teased.

Alec took this as his cue to leave the room, staying just outside the door.

"My room is right across the hall." She whispered conspiratorially.

"How convenient." He grinned.

"Your reputation shines Mr. Malfoy."

"It's always been overrated."

"So you haven't slept with every willing woman between the ages of eighteen and forty in the world?"

"I swore off the under twenty-one-year-olds a long time ago." He laughed at her horrified gasp.

"Draco Malfoy I am going to hang you!"

"Now where's the fun in that?"

"By the way, we have been invited to the Weasley's. The date isn't set yet but I'm taking you as my plus one."

"We?" He sat up straighter in his seat. This was news.

"We usually have a dinner and a breakfast party for a weekend every month."

"Are you sure?"

"Draco are you scared?" She teased

"Out of my wits." Mione laughed.

"They'll like you."

"But what about-"

"They'll overlook it. They've become very progressive you know"

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