35. Ambush II

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After they were sure that the women would be out of danger they agreed to head outside and face the enemy  Blaise would have preferred to wait this out. He wanted to avoid the shoot-out as much as possible. At some point the would get the memo. Maybe they'd think that no one was around.  Draco wasn't so naive to think that it would run so smoothly. They would have no qualms about entering the house if it came too. They had to face this head-on and protect themselves just until Alec arrived 

They sneaked out of the side door from the kitchen and made their way outside. They were lucky that there was a lot of foliage to cover them.  They crouched down in the hedges and remained quiet. Their breaths were almost silent as they listened for any signs of movement. The glint of a gun barrel was seen in the moonlight. Frantic footsteps came from the left of them.

Shots were fired. The figure screamed and dropped to the ground. 

They crouched further. Krum's men had easily given away their positions but this didn't make the task at hand any easier The figure cursed. Blaise was startled and made movements before Draco held him back

"Monique?!" He hissed to the shivering figure.  She raised her head. Draco cursed. If she was here then where the hell was was Hermione? They were supposed to stay together! Damn it all to hell. 

"Stay low." Blaise hissed to her as she crawled closer to them.  He pulled her close when she was within reach and checked her for injuries while asking the same questions that had been passing through Draco's mind.

"Are you insane?" 

It was quite evident that she was Blaise. You always knew how to pick crazy.

"Do you have a death wish?" 

Clearly she did. Who the hell blindly runs away from protection and into a literal war zone?

"Where the hell is Hermione?" 

Please do tell. Draco looked at her.

"I left her," Monique answered meekly

"I told you to stay put!" Blaise was furious. His senses were in overdrive. She should not be here. She was not supposed to be here. 

"I know but-" She was cut off by a snap of a twig.  Draco swiftly pulled one of Monique's knives and threw it to his left, effectively hitting his target in the neck.  Monique squealed at the sight of but Blaise quickly covered her mouth.

"Stay here. I need to get Hermione." He said moving away from them before they could object.

 If Monique bolted then she would surely be looking for her. He couldn't have that. Blaise  By now she would have guessed that Monique was outside and she would most likely look for the safest and easiest place to get out. The side door that he and Blaise used would be the only viable option.  Thee door was left open.  She was in his line of sight. She was crouched underneath the breakfast table fiddling with the gun in her hands.  He wanted to move, to call out to her but he froze. One of Krum's men stood in the doorway.   

Hermione's hands shook as the man walked around the table. The gun in her hand had become heavier. Maybe if she shot him in the leg that would work. She closed her eyes and aimed, pulling the trigger. All she heard was the sickening crack as the man fell, his head hitting the floor knocking him unconscious. She shuffled away from him and found herself in the doorway. A hand grabbed her and covered her mouth stifling her screams as she thrashed about. 

He faced her and put his fingers to his lips and removed his hand from her mouth. Sh let out a breath of relief. He looked at her and expect for the blood splatters on her clothing which he thought better to not mention, she was fine.

"I was looking for Monique." She whispered

"She's with Blaise."

"I tried to get her to stay but-"

"It's fine, It's fine. We just need to stay out of danger and-" He was cut off by gunshots.

They had come from Blaise and Monique's direction. He flew into action arming himself with a gun in each hand as he back Hermione against the wall. 

"I need you to follow me." His tone was deathly serious, "Stay right on my ass you got it?"  she nodded there was no way she was defying him now. They moved in unison until she felt someone behind her. She turned around, instinctively punching them and he fell to his knees Draco kicked the weapon away from him and knocked him out cold. 'Just how many men did Krum send on this little expedition after Blaise?' Mione wondered in her head as the began to move once more. 

Monique screamed and Draco and Hermione rushed out into the open. Some men were trying to drag her away, her chest was stained with blood. Draco fired two headshots killing then instantly and Hermione went to her side to assess her injuries.

"They took him." She whispered, shaking uncontrollably. 

 Hermione cradled Monique's head to her chest and looked up at Draco. He was anguish.  She looked behind him and her eyes widened. Draco turned around at her reaction and his hand automatically reached for his gun. Standing there illuminated by the headlights of the cars they drove was Kai He was holding Blaise upright his beefy arm around his neck.  A gun pressed to his abdomen. His lips, shoulder, and thigh were bleeding. 

"If you want your friend alive I suggest you drop that gun Malfoy."  Draco slowly dropped his gun. The man grinned.

"Down on the ground. Hands in the air." Draco kneeled with his hands in the air

"If only I had a camera to capture this moment. You don't know how long I've wanted to do this but now is not the time." He laughed

 In a fit of rage, Monique threw a well-aimed knife at the arm that was around Blaise's neck. He wasted no time in getting out of the constricting hold. They were both on the floor wrestling with each other. Draco had his gun trained on the pair.

"Shoot him!" Monique screamed at Draco. "Kill him!"

He wanted to.  So very badly.  As did the rest of Krum's men but just like him, they couldn't make a clear shot. He risked shooting Blaise in the process he couldn't let that happen. Out of nowhere, two shots were fired.  Draco reflexively aimed and shot back.  The figures on the ground were unmoving. He ran toward them. The Bulgarian was dead. Blaise was not. His breaths were labored his eyes were wide.

"It hurts like a bitch." He grunted as Draco knelt next to him

"You stay with me you little shit. You aren't dying on me now." Draco spat.

The welcoming sounds of a helicopter came at that exact moment. Relief surged through him. Monique was at Blaise's side in seconds clinging onto his hand. The searing pain in his back was what kept him awake. He closed his eyes briefly  and at Draco tapped his face making him look up at him

"I said stay with me. No matter how tired you feel you are not allowed to go to sleep." He demanded.

Hermione sat back in the helicopter observing them with teary eyes. Alec set a course for the nearest hospital radioing in their arrival. She sighed closing her eyes and welcomed the darkness, falling asleep instantly.

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