34. Ambush I

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Blaise's face paled and he instantly turned to face Monique. It was clear as day on his face that he was scared. His fingers itched for another fix.  No. He had been doing good since she was with him and now was not the time. He had to protect her. No matter how scared he thought he was she probably felt worse. He covered her from view as she rushed o put on her clothes.

"What's happening?" She whispered to him as she finished

"Sins of the youth."  His tone was regretful.  The meaning of the phrase, however, was lost on her. Surely it couldn't be that bad, could it? Or maybe it did. If he had people barging into his house and room so comfortably then she had to rethink her decision on being with his seriously. 

"Where are the guns?" Draco asked.  Blaise snapped out his trance and walked out of the bedroom with Monique in tow. He stopped in the middle of the hallway and pulled the carpet aside revealing a trap door underneath. He stepped down and the rest followed suit into a well-lit room filled with guns and ammunition. 

"Is this legal?" Mione wondered aloud

"Sure is. I own an ammunitions factory it would be odd not to have some protection at all times" Blaise answered as Draco adorned himself with holsters about his body putting the respective guns in their places. Blaise followed his movements. Fro a moment Hermione had forgotten that they knew what they were doing. They had done this many times before.

"Take this," Draco was handing her a revolver with a grimace.

"What for?" She said looking warily at it.

"Just in case."

"I'm not staying with you?"

"No." He said leaving no room for discussion "Do you know how to shoot?"

"I'm a little rusty but yes." It was probably one of the few things that she was grateful for from her relationship with Ron.

"Good. I need you to take her and get somewhere safe." He said gesturing towards Monique who was clinging onto Blaise.

"But what about you?"

"I've got Blaise. He'll watch my back. You just need to hold it out until Alec gets here okay?"

"But-" She began but was cut off with a kiss

"I need to know you're safe then I can relax a little. Please just do as I say?"

"Okay." She complied as she saw the turmoil in his eyes. If this helped him and eased his anxiety then she would stay put. He sighed and gave her another kiss before walking over to the other pair

"I need you to go with her okay? It'll just be for a little while and I'll come to get you when it's all over okay." Blaise said to his lover unshed tears in both of their eyes.

"You come back in one piece you hear me?" She told him and didn't move until he promised her that he would.

"Where do you want us to go?" Mione asked

"Attic. Right above the trapdoor. Remote-controlled" Blaise tossed a remote to her and she caught it. 

"Come on Red," Mione said as she turned for the stairs. Halfway up she noticed that the woman was no longer behind her. She turned and noticed her bending over a nearby table. Hermione sighed. This was not the time for sightseeing.

"What are you doing?"

"Knives. " Monique replied as she finally made her selection and turned to face her, "I'm good at throwing them." 

"Alright then." They both turned and walked up the stairs. Hermione pressed the button on the control.  For a few moments, nothing happened and she was almost tempted to back down the steps to complain before part of the ceiling opened and stairs unfolded. They walked up the stairs and entered a lounge area. There was another button at the top of the stairs to bring the steps back up and seal off the entrance. They would be safe here. Undetectable.

"What is your name?"  Mione asked as she got tired of the awkward silence

"Monique. Yours?"


"Who are you, people?"

"Draco is Blaise's best friend and ex-brother-in-law."

"Ex? You mean to say he was married?" Monique looked at her in horror

"Who Blaise?" Hermione asked to which Monique only nodded."

"Never to my knowledge. Draco was married to his step-sister."

"Ah, I see. So you and Draco are-?"


"But you do love him?"

"With everything I have."

"It's amazing isn't it?"

"What is?"

"How love unfolds. What it does to you."

"I know what you mean."

"Then you would understand how stupid this all is!"

"What  is?"

"We are in here cowering like children while our men are out there fighting for their lives!" 

"I feel the same way but think about it. How are we going to help? We'd be easy targets and then they would have to watch their backs and ours. It's best to stay here." Hermione said.

"We can distract the bad guys and they can easily take them out. How hard it could be?"

"That is a horrible idea. We don't know what we are messing with. They outnumber and out ammo us. "

"I'm not going to be a sitting duck," Monique said rushing to the entryway and pushing the button, unfolding the stairs once more.

"Wait!" Hermione called out to her but Monique had already disappeared. What was the girl thinking? She had nothing to defend herself with except those blasted knives. What were those going to do against guns? She cursed as she cautiously made her way down the steps. The rug covering the trapdoor on the floor was in place. So the men must have left before Monique did. 

She kept out of sight from the windows keeping her eyes sharp for the redhead. It was getting dark out,  soon she wouldn't be able to decipher who was friend or foe. She had to be somewhere in the house. Monique wouldn't go outside, would she? No, she would have to be stark raving mad.  Would Krum's men come into the house then? It wasn't an idea that she wanted to dwell on. 

A gunshot and a scream alerted her. She cursed. it sounded like it came from outside. Of course,  Monique was the just sort of person who would go headfirst into a situation like this . 

Of course. 

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