12. Parties & The Mornings After

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After all the meals, the speeches, dancing and drinking venue eventually had to close. The party moved to the hotel that most of them were staying at. It was close to two in the morning when Mione went out onto the balcony to get some fresh air. The atmosphere inside was a bit stuffy. She began thinking about all the 'what if's' of that last night when the devil himself strode into the parking lot.

Her jaw went slack and her mouth was instantly dry. A stunning redhead was hanging onto his arm and they were both laughing.  Completely oblivious to her watchful eyes. Good Lord, His smile hadn't changed. His tall body was still lean and elegant. His muscles were clearly visible in those tight fitting jeans and a white blouse. She caught a glimpse of those eyes. The ones that had haunted much of her dreams back in those days. 

She watched as he looked at the redhead with adoration and she moved from the balcony. She felt as though she was overseeing something that was meant to be private. To Draco, the flash of honey-coloured hair was the only thing he saw as he looked up at the balcony. She was greeted with cheers by her friends when she returned back to the party

No one arose early the next morning. It was close to three in the afternoon when Mione woke. Ginny and Cho Chang were at her door in the next half hour and they rounded Luna for a late lunch. As they talked his name popped up as it usually did. They discussed all the possible reasons as to why he wasn't at the reunion. Mione mused that the international movie star had bigger things to attend and worry about than a silly old reunion to which the girls agreed.

"But listen to this ladies. I've heard he's here in this hotel. Should we go to his door?" Cho suggested, standing out of her seat.

"Your husband and his bed partner would not appreciate it," Mione stated. Ginny laughed and Luna pulled Cho back into her seat.

"You saw him?" Cho replied breathlessly.

"With a redhead," Mione replied

"Did you two talk?" Ginny asked her eyes wide.

"No, and with the way you're all reacting, I'm beginning to scold myself for even mentioning it. What's the big deal? He's just another guy," Mione said taking a sip of her drink.

"Just another guy?!" Luna asked looking at Mione as if she had two heads.

"Are you blind?" Cho asked looking at Mione carefully. "Is she still drunk?" she asked the other girls. 

"I never was." Mione defended

"He's the sexiest man in both worlds," Luna said

"I swear if I didn't love and wasn't married to Harry.." Ginny began

"Or Neville." Luna butted in

"Or Marcus," Cho finished

"I'd be tempted to knock on his door." Ginny finished

"We should introduce ourselves as Hermione Granger's best friends," Cho suggested.

"I'm sure he'd remember you," Luna said to Mione

"Many have come and gone since my little fling with him," 

"They're filming down by the Bay. You guys fancy a swim?" Cho said

"There's a pool right here." Mione pointed

"What's the new film about? Anybody know?" Ginny said

"I'm not sure but it'll be a good one."

"Most of his movies are.  The last one was really moving." Ginny said,

"Is he an empath Mione?" Luna asked

"I suppose."

"An intellectual?" Cho asked,

"We never really discussed anything in that category I wouldn't doubt it." Mione shrugged

"Of course," Cho replied smugly, "if Draco Malfoy was within arm's reach I'd be using my mouth for other things."

"Cho!" Luna gasped

"Oh please, Luna don't act all innocent on us. Neville said some rather interesting things last night."

Luna went red and Ginny and Mione howled with laughter.

"Mione?" Luna asked "Is it true what they say? Is he good?" She inquired, turning the tables on her.

"He's nice," Mione volunteered with a small smile on her lips.

"Nice?!" They all exclaimed.

"What the hell does that mean?" Cho asked

"Good lord...It means that he is very good at pleasing you." Mione smiled secretly

"What do you think he'd say if I was to knock on his door? Cho asked

"Good morning and I didn't ring for the maid?" Luna mused sending Ginny and Mione into a fit of laughter.

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