29. Introductions

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She was insane. Was it the high altitude? Had the stress finally gotten to her? Go with him? To try and find his best friend who could be halfway across the world right now? To be in a situation in where she could get seriously injured? Maybe even killed? Did she have a death wish?

"Mum? Dad? The lady says that we should buckle up. We're gonna land any minute now." Darcy called interrupting his thoughts

Hermione unfolded her arms and walked towards the door "We'll finish this conversation later." She muttered as she passed him, making a beeline for her seat. Draco followed her out and buckled himself in. There was another limo waiting for them when they landed, this time without the bulletproof glass Mione noted.

The car ride was silent. Even the girls were aware of the tension between the two adults and decided that it would be best to keep quiet. But that mutual agreement was broken right before they entered the estate. 

"Have you gotten used to it yet?" Mione asked

"Used to what?"

"That I'm coming with you."

"We did not agree to that."

"I wasn't asking you to agree. In fact, I didn't ask anything,"


"I said to take me with you. There was not a plea and the beginning or end of that sentence."

"I'm not going to take you." Draco sighed as the limo stopped and Darcy and Lucy jumped to the front of the vehicle in a hurry to get away from the fight that they knew was coming.

Lucius Malfoy watched from one of the many windows of his mansion as the limo rolled to the front of his house and two little girls hopped out from the vehicle. He chuckled as he saw the awestruck looks on their faces as  The blonde, in particular, had caught his eye. Was it possible? He dear not hope. He had known that for a long time his and Narcissa's dreams of spoiling their grandchild or grandchildren rotten were long abandoned when Draco had dropped the bomb on them a few years back. Although they eventually got over it he knew that Narcissa longed to have children to spoil again.

It was time to welcome his guests. He walked down the stairs and stopped in his tracks as he looked at the angel before him. She was definitely Draco's child. No doubt about it. From the hair to the silly grin and even the shape of her face. But when? And more importantly with who? His answers were promptly answered. A woman's voice was heard gradually getting louder as she walked towards 

".....you seem to forget that I skipped my sixth year of school to hunt down Horcruxes!" She was furious as she shouted behind him. He was delighted with the way she spoke to his son and the way he seemed to falter in his footsteps as she retaliated

"Oh, I bloody well remember! You seem to  forget the part where my deranged aunt almost tortured you to death."

Bellatrix? Who did she.....Granger? Hermione Granger? She's was the mother of his grandchild? And the way his son was looking at her even though he was arguing he could assume that this was also his soon to be daughter-in-law. Narcissa was going to have a field day.

"Ahem." He coughed. His housekeeper had smartly ushered the children away from the fighting as soon as they had stepped foot in the house. They both turned and had the grace to blush and sheepishly smile.

"I couldn't help but notice that you have a little dilemma?"

"Yes." Hermione smiled at him and he could see why his son had fallen for her. "He's being stubborn."

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