21. Parent's Worst Nightmare

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Draco was waiting for her at the entrance of the hotel. He kept her beside him, guiding her along the corridors and into a room that was a couple of yards away from the hall where the press conference would be.

She noted that his entire entourage was present and impeccably dressed. Some men who looked suspiciously like bodyguards were at all the exits of the room. Her uneasiness quadrupled as she thought about why there would be a need for all the manpower present.  A cup of coffee was thrust into her hand. She instantly shook her head. Her nose turned up at the smell. Draco stopped the man who was debriefing him and turned to the woman who handed her the drink;

"Tea. I told you Ms. Granger prefers drinks tea. Take the coffee away." The cup was moved out of her hands as fast as it was placed. His eyes scanned her pale face and he cupped it. His big hands giving her warmth.

"Are you alright?" He asked softly. Mione nodded. She couldn't speak. She was afraid she would hiccup or worse. She was beginning to get a headache and her stomach turned.

"I'm sorry." He had apologized many times that morning already but he felt that he didn't say it enough, "This will all be over soon."

He kissed her forehead and turned his attention back to the briefing. Her tea now appeared in a glass cup. She sipped and felt relief. It was weak with lemon and sugar. Just the way she liked it  Draco had a very good memory. She sipped and watched as he turned to another person taking a different set of instructions.

The door opened and a man called out to them. "Camera time in five." Her nerves were through the roof.  Alec escorted them to the doors of the hall that would open to the stage.

"You know what to do," Draco whispered to Alec as he walked hand in hand with Mione, "I don't want her upset with too many personal questions."

He turned to face her, "Lord you're pale. If you can't go all the way through let me know all right?"

"Don't worry about me." She swallowed. "I'll manage."

"Atta girl. Now breathe. It's just me you and about six cameras. We're lucky it isn't live. "

As they walked into the room camera's flashed, almost blinding her as she walked side by side with Draco. They both stood at the podium and faced the sea of people. There were more than six cameras facing her, of that she was sure.

The questions began vague and general: Where did they meet? How long ago did they? How was their relationship re-established? A few follow up questions that wanted clarification also followed.  Alec had to stepped forward to stop a few ungallant queries and Draco curtly reprimanded a few that he caught. As promised, she had little to say and within twenty minutes it seemed that they were all satisfied.

Draco's eyes scanned the crowd as the majority of individuals turned to leave and suddenly called out to Alec. "Pull the car around. Now."

Mione felt his grip tighten and she looked up at him. His face had hardened.

"I need you to stay here." He demanded while motioning for the bodyguards.

"Something wrong?"

"I'll be right back. Stay put."

He turned around to face the crowd again but he could no longer find the face he was looking for. He had seen him before. One of Krum's men.  He was sure of it. Alarms went off in his head. Mione was here within arms reach and well protected but Darcy? She was at school. He didn't trust those security guards on the school's compound. They could be easily manipulated with enough money. 

Looking at his watch, Kai walked as fast as he could without attracting attention through the hotel lobby. In about five minutes the job should be done. However, when he looked back he saw Malfoy bolting for the other exit. Had he seen him? The possibility of being suspected made him walk faster to his car. His team would have no problem. She was only a little girl.

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