26. Flight

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Monique anxiously looked at the passenger in first class who seemed to be in some serious discomfort. From the moment he boarded the other flight attendants tittered and gazed in awe at the man unashamedly but he paid them no mind. It wasn't' that she didn't find him attractive, far from it, he was beautiful, it was just that she had to be professional. She couldn't afford to lose this job. Especially for a man who probably wouldn't give her the time of day. She went about her work with her usual efficiency. It was only when she heard the soft groans coming from his direction did she really study him.

He was cooped up in the corner with a blanket on over his already well-lined winter coat. They didn't need all that coverage for their destination The air in the airplane was not freezing yet he shivered. She found it strange that there was no luggage on his person either. He groaned and pulled on his sleeves although it was evident that it could not go any further. He twisted and turned. He seemed feverish and was sweat was beading on his forehead. He will unwell that was for sure but with what?

She soon realized that this man, whoever he was, was suffering from withdrawal.  It was no surprise to her, working in first-class exposed her to the hoards of rich men and women who often found themselves mixed up in drugs. She had witnessed withdrawal firsthand with her father soon after her mother had died. He desperately tried to stop his addiction but it eventually took him away from her and her siblings. She took pity on this man however and decided to intervene by walking up to him despite the remarks from the other flight attendants.

*"Êtes-vous bien, monsieur?" She asked.

**"Je ne suis pas d'humeur pour le français" He panted. Why not? He sounded fluent.

***"Español?" She asked again as he groaned in pain.

"English." Ah well, this makes life easier then. English was her first language after all

"I apologize I just thought-"

"What can I do for you," he interrupted and paused to glance at her name tag, "Monique?"

His nonchalant acting was very good. If it wasn't for his trembling hands and the sweat on his face she would have thought he was fine.

"It's just that I noticed-" she stopped as his eyes got darker.

"Noticed what?" he asked his voice now dark and unwelcoming than before. Monique stammered

"Let me help you." She whispered as she bent to his level. He knew now why she had come to him. 

"Unless you have a good bit of alcohol on board-" He started  

"As if I would give you alcohol in this state?" She looked at him incredulously. Was he mad? He laughed and shook his head

"Monique. We have other passengers to attend to you know." They both turned to look at the person intruding on their conversation.

 "I am a passenger yes?" Blaise replied raising a brow at the unnamed intruder. Monique turned to look at him, her eyes wide.

"Sir I-" The intruder began 

"Can't you see that she is indeed attending to me? Very diligently I might add."


"So I don't see the problem here."

"There are other passengers in the first-class sir."

"I am the only passenger awake in first-class at the moment?"

"Well, I-"

"I assume that in the event another passenger requires assistance you will do your due diligence and attend to them as swiftly as you barged in on our conversation her."

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