36. Hospitals and Round the World Trips

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It had been three hours since they arrived at the hospital. Blaise was rushed to the operating room immediately. Monique had cried herself to sleep. Draco was pacing all over their private waiting room after coming off the phone. Hermione watched him silently; tonight his best friend could possibly die. She remembered what she felt when she thought that Harry was dead that night at Hogwarts. Nothing would have consoled her then, other than him being alive and well. It would be the same for it.  It was another three hours before the doctor came into the room. Hermione stood and Draco froze in his place, both looking at the doctor expectantly.

"He's lost a lot of blood. We got the bullet out of his shoulder and thigh but the one in his back is quite severe. If we try to remove it, it may cause some complications." 

Draco paled. 

"He's unresponsive" The doctor continued,  "and can't breathe on his own so we've got him on the ventilator. We've repaired most of the damage but my colleagues and I are looking into ways to safely remove the bullet/ We'll update you shortly." As the doctor turned and walked out of the room, Draco pulled out his phone that had been vibrating non-stop since he made his first call.

"Pansy."  He said as he answered the phone.

Hermione looked at him. Pansy? Why would she be calling him? Get a hold of yourself, Hermione. She had a right to. This is her stepbrother. Now was not the time to be jealous.  Was she going to come here? Of course, she was. Her brother was basically at death's door. She suddenly felt as though she was intruding. Monique had more right to be here than she did. She needed to go. She wouldn't be able to stand it if she saw Pansy crying on Draco's shoulder. 

"I want to leave," she said when Draco finished his call

"Go then. Alec will take you back." He replied not looking at her. She tried not to be affronted. 

"When will you come back?"  She asked meekly

"I don't know. I'm waiting for Pansy and another doctor to get here."

So she was coming then. "I'll miss you."

"Alec will take you to my father's." He didn't look at her 

She walked out of the room. Alec following behind her.

When they got to America, she was going to board the first possible flight back to England. Flying fears be damned. She was going back home to an environment she could control. She needed some semblance of normalcy. This was all just too much too fast. If and when he came back he knew where to find her. She wiped away the unshed tears as she sat in the back seat of the car as Alec drove further from the hospital.

Draco watched as they drove off until he no longer saw the car. He slid down the wall, tears finally escaping. He couldn't protect him. He promised him that he always would. Look at him now. He sobbed quietly, eventually falling asleep.  He awoke the sound of heels clicking the linoleum. It must be Pansy. She rushed down the hall and he stood to greet her. It was evident that she had been crying. He opened his arms and she rushed into them sobbing loudly.

"How-How is he?"

"I'm not gonna sugar coat it. It's bad." She whimpered as he led her to the chairs across the room at the other end Monique was still sound asleep.

"Is he going to make it?"

"The doctors are discussing how they should operate. I called in a favour and a friend is coming in."

"At least he's alive." she whimpered

"Just." He answered. A heart-wrenching sob came out of Monique's mouth.  Draco had almost forgotten she was there. He went over to her and hugged her tightly as she cried on his shoulder. Pansy looked at the pair in awe, feeling immense jealousy. Who the hell was she? Why was Draco comforting her?

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