11. Brunch

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Mione was smiling at one of Luna's remarks on her husband's current obsession. Thrift shops.

"As if we didn't have enough junk in the house already!" Luna said shaking her head.

She felt as if she were at Hogwarts again. They kept in touch with Christmas presents, birthday greetings and the occasional birth and wedding announcement but it was the first time in ten years that they were all together again. In the last three hours, all gossip was exchanged. Who was married, divorced and had remarried? Husbands and exes had been tossed aside and flings were the current topic.

"Mione I've got a good piece of news for you." Cho Chang who was beside her announced and all the ladies turned their attention to her.

"Well don't keep us in the dark, spill!" Ginny said

"Please," Luna said

"Draco Malfoy came in with his film crew yesterday," She smiled deviously

For a split second, her heart stopped and then the blood rushed to her ears. The squeals of delight from Ginny and the audible gasp from Luna was unheard by Mione as she remembered one of their nights in the Room of Requirement ten years ago;

"What are you going to do afterward? She asked him as she sat across from him her feet in the chair. Their time at both Hogwarts and together was limited 

"I'm not sure but I know what I'm going to do now." He replied smiling mischievously 


He was at her side in seconds helping her out of her clothes with skillful hands. She felt feverish. It wasn't the first time but it felt like it every time they did. Their kisses were desperate and their hands roamed each other. Mione opened her mouth before he even asked for entrance and their tongues battled. The couch had turned into a bed and they moved into comfortable positions. He kissed her neck as her hands found their way to his hair just the way he liked it. She gasped when he found her spot and he grinned sucking on it and driving her mad.

"Enough foreplay!" she hissed as he latched onto her left breast. She never took things slow, he knew that it drove her mad. She tugged at his hair and he quickly lined up to her entrance. She cried out when he entered her and he kept still his eyes closing at the sweet tightness she had to offer him.

"God Draco! Move!" And he obeyed. Her sounds of pleasure were his reward and it wasn't long before she climaxed, her body trembling and his hand over her mouth out of habit.  His lips latched onto hers as his orgasm came and they rode it together.


Moments later they were in each other's arms quite content. She wanted him to utter the words she had dreamt of so many nights but he said something else.

"I'll take you away." He whispered in her ear. 

She looked up at him. "Where?"

"Wherever you want to go."

She was hesitant to ask but she needed to. "Could we get married?"

"Married?" He was startled. After all, she was supposed to marry what's his name but with the turn of events...

"Sure, we could get married." He said not as eagerly as she expected after a long silence.

Her heart sank. Ginny was right. This was all going to backfire and she was the one who was going to be hurt.

"Don't bother." She said sitting up.

"If you want to we can," Draco said sensing her distress.

"But you don't want to." She started climbing off the bed.

"I never thought about it but give me a day or two and I'll get used to the idea." He shrugged. Her temper flared. He was being too casual about this. He only wanted her for a plaything.

"Screw you!" She snapped.

"I don't understand why it's such a big deal."

"You know damn well why!" Tears were slipping out of her eyes.

*"Amica mea,"  He began. It was a nickname he had given to her. He wanted to comfort her but he was never really good with words, "you know my introduction to marriage hasn't been the best."

"Don't try to sweet-talk me Malfoy!"

"Back to last name basis are we Granger?" He retorted. She turned away in response and looked for her things. While he remained on the bed

"Is this because of him? Because he proposed?" He asked

"Ron and I grew up together." she shamelessly replied


"It's a very good base for marriage."

"You're wasting your time trying to convince me."

"You don't want to be married."

"It's a bit sudden. I've never thought about getting married and having a family of my own. Just give me some time."

She wanted him to tell her he loved her. To show her some sort of commitment that would make her stay.

"Thank you. It was a nice year and the last time we would have to see each other so let's leave it at that." She said with her head down. Her heart slowly breaking.

"I don't want it to be the last."

"What do you want Draco?" she asked.

"You," he whispered. 

'Yes, I know. You've told me but you don't sound sure.' she thought bitterly.

 "I have to leave. Goodbye Draco."

"Goodbye, Hermione."

He had made her feel things no man had ever come close to. How did the very mention of his name stun her after all these years?

"The International director is back? How wonderful." She said getting back into the loop. Her tone dripping with sarcasm

"You want to see him again, Mione?" Luna teased.

"There was something between you two that last year at Hogwarts wasn't there?" Cho asked

"You're divorced now, you have all rights to go look him up," Ginny suggested and Mione shot her a look.

"No thanks. Too much competition. He always has women clinging onto his shoulders and has probably never heard a woman refuse. Besides at my age and with an eight-year-old in tow I don't stand a chance."

"His films are quiet and intimate," Ginny noted.

"His life doesn't follow his art then," Mione said

"And how would you know?" Cho asked

"Because-" She started

"Those articles aren't always true." Luna butted in, already knowing what she was going to say.

"Six times out of ten then?" Mione said

"They could be innocent friends," Cho replied

"Of course and I'm a millionaire." She joked "Don't forget Pansy. That was real."

"Not exactly everlasting." Ginny pointed out

"Oh for heaven's sake!" She said getting tired. "Do me a favour and stop gushing over him! It was years ago!"

"So there was something!" Cho declared.

Mione rolled her eyes and ordered another drink.

*"My darling."

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