20. Draco Malfoy's Love Child

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After the eventful weekend spent with his impromptu family, Draco returned to his life on set. Making short but worthy trips back and forth on the weekends. Darcy often accompanied him on her days off from school on set. She was always in her glee.  It was understood that if you wanted to remain for the duration of the film and have a career afterward that his private life was left as it should be. Private.

 It wasn't until Mione encountered two photographers one morning that she realized her private life was no longer private. She rushed back with Darcy inside the house and immediately phoned Draco. His cell phone went straight to voicemail. She hastily hung up and called his company's number.

"Golden Bear Productions. How may I assist you this morning?" a voice answered on the second ring

"Can I speak to Draco please?" she said as politely as she could

"Mr. Malfoy's not taking any calls right now."

Her temper went through the roof. It wasn't every day that she was bombarded by photographers and now the one causing it wasn't taking any phone calls? It was outrageous!

"Can you leave a message?"

"Of course, but it wouldn't do you much good honey." The voice drawled, "If he told you that he'll do you a favour don't sweat. The man's word is good."

Just how many women called him on a daily basis for the receptionist to answer her in such a sure manner?

"Tell him that Mione called-" She began

"Oh, Ms. Granger!" The voice sounded panicked now, "I'll put you through, I usually run interference for Mr. Malfoy."

She sighed in relief and waited impatiently.

"Golden Bear Productions." Another calm voice that was not Draco's greeted her.

"How many people does he have running interference?!" She snapped into the phone.

"How may I help you?" Alec asked ignoring the tone of the person on the line.  

"This is Hermione Granger. I'd like to speak to Mr. Malfoy if he has time for one of the many women calling him." She seethed.

"I'm sorry Ms. Granger he's out filming could I have him call you back?" Alec listened intently to the

"Drac get away from the window," Mione called out to her daughter who was looking at the number of photographers who had tripled in the short space of time.

"There's a couple more people outside Mum."

'Photographers?' Alec thought 'Shit.'

"I'm dealing with it." She sighed turning her attention back to the phone "Are you still there?"

"Yes ma'am I'm here

"Tell him that there are photographers outside my apartment complex and if they're not gone very soon I will never speak to him again."

'I value my life', He thought, 'I'll let him hear it from her himself.'

"He'll call you as soon as he's off the set." He promised her

"Thank you. I'm really sorry about my behaviour. This is new to me and it's a lot of trouble. I don't know how he puts up with this mess." She sighed again. " Just make sure he gets this message please?"

"Will do Ms. Granger."

The tone of her voice seemed angry yet exhausted. He was treading on very thin and dangerous ice. It was obvious to him, the crew and anyone who had seen Draco since she walked into his life that she was important. He was adjusting his life for her. No one would ever believe it. Not anyone who knew Draco before. Ms. Hermione Granger was different.

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