15. Bank Notes & Cunning Producers

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The next week started off in a haze of excitement. Darcy was bright and cheerful, interested in both her mother's weekend and going on about the details of her stay at her grandparents. Mione's employees welcomed her warmly as she stopped by on her way to the bank. She greeted Theodore Nott with a dazzling smile.

"This is the last time I have to renew the note Theo, someone just came through with a really good proposal, by next year it'll be smooth sailing."

"I can't renew the note, Hermione."

"Wonderful this is- wait. What?"

"I can't renew it."

"Why not?" Her stomach tightened.

"Interest rates are going up on short-term notes."

"I don't mind paying a higher rate for a few months."

"I've renewed this note five times already."

"Does Ronald have anything to do with this?" She demanded glaring accusingly at him

"Of course not." He waved off her accusation like water off of a duck's back.

"Don't give me that. I want an answer yes or no?"

After the divorce, Theodore and her ex-husband became like two peas in a pod and always found some way of making her life miserable.

"I can't renew the note, maybe some other bank could help you."

"You know I can't go to any other bank. I'll be able to pay it off by the beginning of next year!" She cried in desperation. "Can't you at least tell them that?!"

He shook his head and she stood and muttered something about calling him on Friday, rushing out of the office building.

In her office, she went over every expenditure and the current budget to see if there was anything that could be adjusted. There was nothing that she hadn't sacrificed already. For now, the payroll was fine. Granted the rent of her apartment didn't rise, she would be able to provide for herself and her daughter. She contemplated looking at other banks but they were the same rates as she checked last time and she couldn't meet those. She had her head on the desk mourning the thought of losing her job

"Lord you look awful," Ginny said as she entered Hermione's office later that day with lunch.

"Hello to you to Gin."

"What's up?"

"I'm going to lose my job and end up homeless." She groaned

"That bad eh? I can always give you the money you know."


"Why are you so stubborn?"

"After all this time you've just realised?"

"Don't play smart with me woman I brought Thai," she said resting the bag on her desk.

"Oh my god. I love you."

"I know. Did you take up Cho's advice?" Ginny asked eager to hear the answer

"Yes," Mione replied avoiding eye contact

"Seriously?!" Ginny had her eyes wide. Looking at her friend in awe.

"Seriously." She said smugly

"How is he?" Ginny asked wondering what he looked like up close. She had only seen him in pictures from magazines and on interviews that he rarely did on TV in recent years.

"A bit more mature but other than that nothing has changed" Mione smiled secretly and Ginny looked at her closely

"That's a good thing right?"

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