02| Back in Action

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I was sitting in my usual seat sending Dr. McGee my letter of resignation. From the hallway I heard multiple footsteps coming our way and I stood up as Cisco, Iris, and Joe came into the Cortex.

"Oh thank god." Cisco exclaimed as he quickly hugged me. "You had me thinking that you would never come back. It wouldn't be the team without you and Caitlin...wait where's Caitlin?"

"I sent Barry to go get her... so don't worry." I assured him and he immediately let out a sigh of relief.

Iris stepped up and also gave me a small hug. "I'm glad you decided to come back."

"I guess I just can't stay away from all this." I admitted as I looked around the room. It didn't take long for Barry and Caitlin to walk into the Cortex.

"Oh thank god." Cisco said as he ran up to hug Caitlin. Everyone laughed as Barry stood beside her with clear excitement.

I walked over next to Barry as I gave him a questioning look. "So why are you glowing?"

"Wells." He said gaining everyones attention. "He confessed to my mother's murder. Wells left a flash drive with a video so it looks like my dad might be coming home."

"Barry that's amazing." I exclaimed.

"Well let's make that a fact." Joe stated as he pulled out his phone and walked out into the hallway, without a second thought Barry traded nervously behind him. The rest of us waited in the Cortex for the hopefully good news as Joe was on the phone with an attorney.

While we waited Cisco took out a sketch pad and began to draw something furiously, until Joe and Barry finally entered the room.

"Is it good news?" Iris asked although Barry wide smile clearly stated that it was.

"I think so." Barry replied as he tried to contain his excitement.

"Henry's coming home?" Iris asked as she immediately ran over to hug Barry. "Oh!"

Everyone smiled happy to hear the news. After all the loses we have all suffered having one gain felt amazing.

"Okay, well that still leaves Atom Smasher to deal with." Barry stated brining us back to the problem at hand.

"Last time you faced him, it did not go well." Professor Stein reminded him.

"No, it did not." Barry admitted. "I clearly can't stop him by myself. So how are we gonna beat him?"

"Well, ever since I was shown a drained radiation tag, which I haven't been able to stop thinking about." Caitlin said as she looked over at Cisco. "Thank you, Cisco."

"You're welcome, Caitlin." He replied clearly proud of himself.

"If this guy likes radiation so much, I say we give it to him." Caitlin continued, and we all created a plan together to stop the city's latest threat. Cisco and I were in his workshop finish up work on the light signal that he came up with.

"I'm thinking about calling it the Flash Signal." Cisco exclaimed as he looked at the finished product.

"This light is perfect bait." I complimented as we both loaded it into the S.T.A.R Labs van. "What made you think of that?"

"I don't know, I think I saw it in a comic book somewhere." He muttered as Joe walked up to us.

"Showtime." He announced as Cisco gave him the keys to the van. Joe simple nodded before he drove off to the location that we planned to set up the light.

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