"Ok, here you go." Barry said as he handed the results over to Oliver. "I gene sequenced the hair strand with the blood sample you gave me. Still not sure what it has to do with Damian Darhk, but the Y chromosomes match." Hearing this Oliver immediately froze and I did't really know if he thought of this as good or bad news. "Are you ok?"
"Thanks for this, it's a big help." Oliver told him as he handed him the results again. "Barry. Don't tell anyone about this." Oliver said in a warning tone before he walked out of the lab.
Barry turned towards be questions clear in his eyes as he looked back down at the paper. "Is this what I think it is?"
"Its not really my place to answer that." I told him when suddenly a furious Felicity walked into the lab.
"All right, I'd like to know what's going on here." She demanded looking around the room.
"Felicity." Barry said in a slightly panicked tone.
"Yes, I tracked you down. I find people for a living." She quickly stated as she walked over to us. "Actually, I don't get paid, but..." Suddenly I let out a small gasp as Barry used his superspeed to slip the DNA results into the back pocket of my jeans. I felt slightly annoyed that he placed the problem on me, but I still smiled at Felicity trying to act like nothing happened. "what was that?"
"What was what?" Barry and I asked in unison hoping that she would ignore what she just saw and move on.
"You just super-speeded something into her pocket." Felicity continued as she looked between us.
"Oh, um, no, nothing. Um, well, actually, it's, um, it's something Oliver wanted me to track down." Barry began to ramble and I elbowed his side trying to stop him from giving anything away. "It's, uh, it's about Damian Darhk..."
"I want to see it." Felicity declared as she held out her hand, waiting for us to give her the paper.
"Why?" I asked as I crossed my arms across my chest, wanting to show her that I wasn't planning on giving her anything,
She looked at me clearly annoyed. "Because you guys don't want me to see it."
"I'm sorry, Oliver specifically asked me..."
"Show me." She asked again interrupting Barry.
"Felicity no, you have to respect that this is something that Oliver doesn't want people to know about yet." I tried to reason with her, but she seemed extremely determined.
"Barry give it to me." She ordered him, causing Barry to look between the two of us nervously. "Give it to me now!"
Barry slightly jumped at her tone of voice as he looked at me. "Barry, if you touch me I swear..." I wasn't able to finish as Barry used his superspeed to take the results back and hand them over to Felicity.
"Ok I don't know what the big deal is." Barry attempted to explain. "It's just a DNA test."
"No, it's not." She muttered before walking away. Barry turned towards me with an apologetic look, but I was to angry to even care if he regretted what he just did.
"Not...now Barry." I told him as I ran after Felicity. When I bought up with her she just made it out to the doors of the CCPD. "Felicity you have to listen..."
"Everything seemed pretty clear to me." Felicity exclaimed as she turned around to face me. "Oliver clearly doesn't trust me."
"Of course he trusts you. He just needs time to process it himself before he can actually tell you." I countered, but a part of me knew that it wouldn't change anything because Felicity could be extremely stubborn. "You need to understand that."

Catching Up || Barry Allen [2]
Fanfiction"love is so short forgetting is so long." NEW LIMITS BOOK 2 THE FLASH SEASON 2 || ARROW SEASON 4 (quote by pablo neruda)