44| Fast Enough

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Once we were able to crack the speed equations creating a device to help Barry increase his speed was a simple task for Cisco and Harrison. Of course the second the device was ready Barry wanted to take it out for a test run eager to get started on a plan to defeat Zoom. "Okay, you guys. I'm here. You got my location?"  Barry's voice came through the communication system once he had gotten to Ferris Air just like we had planned.

"You're good?" Cisco questioned skeptically. "You don't need to, like, stretch or something?" 

"No, no, no, I'm good, I'm good." Barry replied eagerly.

"Let's take this tachyon enhancer out for a test drive."

Cisco waited for a second for Barry to place the tachyon enhancer of his chest before manually turning it on himself. "All right. Yeah. I feel that." Barry told us, meaning that the device seemed to be more powerful than we initially thought. 

"So how does the device work?" Iris asked, she hadn't been able to come by the labs lately considering she had been bust at the CCPN most of the week. So e had to catch her up on what she had missed in the past couple of days.

"It's a tachyon device powering up the Speed Force in his cells like a quick charge battery." Caitlin explained.

"How do you feel?" I asked him wondering if this would have any negative side effects like the Velocity 9 formula had with Jay. 


"Let's see how long it takes you to get back here. On my count. Three, two, one. Go!" Cisco exclaimed and Barry didn't waste a second before he took off. the tracker on his suit showing us running through the busy streets of Central City at a speed he hah never reached before. "Dang, this thing got you cruising."

"How fast does he normally go?" Jade asked wide eyed as she stood up and joined us at the control panel. 

"Not this fast." Caitlin muttered as we all followed Barry's tracker that was moving across our computer screen at an unbelievable speed. 

"Not even close." I added before turning to Caitlin. "Are his vitals okay?"

 "Yeah, they're perfect." She replied triumphantly as the test run seemed to be running smoothly.

"Cool." Iris  commented in disbelief. "It's like having a pit-stop attached to your chest."

"Guys, I can go faster."

"Do it." Cisco encouraged with excitement.

That was all the confirmation that Barry needed before he suddenly increased his speed, his tracker showing him going at an even fast velocity than before. Then for just one second his tracker disappeared from the screen before reappearing moments later. A large gush of wind filled the cortex  seconds later signaling Barry's return. "I'm back." Barry asked looking completely disoriented as he looked around the room. "What how long was I gone?" 

"What are you talking about?" I asked him knowing that there was definitely something wrong.

"Then I was running I ran into another Earth. I'm not sure which one. But I met this girl...she was an alien."

"You met a girl?"

Barry paused as he turned toward me with a small smile playing on his lips. "Are you jealous?"

"No, I just want to know more about this Miss Martian." I countered.

"Well, actually she's not a Martian she's a Kryptonian." Barry corrected, only earning confused looks from the rest of us. To our knowledge we didn't know of any planet or star called Krypton, and even then we accepted that what Barry was telling us as truth because at this point aliens wasn't that crazy of a thought. "Her mentor is a Martian." 

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