I woke up with a gasp to find a younger girl roughly the same age as Jade sitting beside me with a worried expression on her face. Feeling a bit disoriented I tried to push my hair out of my face, but as I lifted my hand I realized that it was handcuffed to a pole along with the girl I was with. "Yeah, you won't be able to get out of those. I've been trying for months."
"Jesse?" I questioned, and her eyes immediately brightened.
"Yeah, that's me." She confirmed but the small hope that was in her eyes was gone as soon as it came. "How do you..."
"I came here with you dad. I came here with Harrison." I explained. "And with...Barry."
I sat up and looked at my surroundings. It looked like a cave that was used for mining, but that really wasn't my concern at the moment. There was what looked like a glass cage and inside I saw Barry still laying inside unconscious. I trued to take a step forward but the shackle around my wrist stopped me from getting any closer, and then a sharp pain shot through my arm. "Yeah, I've been trying to wake him up for a while now."
"We have to get out of here." I told her as I began to try to get out of the shackle on my left arm.
"Be careful your still hurt." She warned, and I looked down at my shirt to find it stained with my blood.
"That's not important. What's important is getting out of here."
"You're wasting your time. I used to think I could escape too when I first got here. There's no way out." Jesse told me clearly having lost hope of getting out of this place, and I couldn't blame her. This whole place was horrible, and she'e been trapped here for months.
"Just trust me." I told her just a the shackle around my wrist broke open.
"Wait. How did learn you do that?" She questioned as I kneeled down beside her working on opening her own.
"Long story." I replied not really wanting to tell her how I knew how I broke out of our restraints. Once the shackles were off Jesse rubbed her sore wrist as a look of relief came across her face. "Okay just stay in here in case Zoom comes back." I instructed her I walked over to the bars that had us caged in.
Jesse shook her head as she grabbed onto my arm. "We should go now."
"No. I'm not going without Barry." I told her as I reached out and unlatched the door letting it swing open. "Stay here."
As I walked over to where Barry was being kept a tapping sound was heard causing be to look for the cause of the sound. My eyes widened once I caught sight of a man tapping on the glass of a cell similar to Barry's, but that wasn't what surprised me. What surprised me was that he was wearing some type of iron mask, and I didn't want to think about how long he's been held captive by Zoom.
"Barry." I whispered as I bent down beside him, lightly tapping on the glass separating us. "Barry, you have to get up."
Suddenly Barry sat up as he looked around before his eyes locked with mine. He sighed in relief as he walked over placing his hand on the glass. "Diane..."
"I have to find a way to get you out of here." I muttered as I looked around for a lock or lever that would open the glass cell he was trapped in. But there was none. Walking around and finding nothing that would help me open it I felt desperation start to take over. Looking around I found a long metal pipe.
Suddenly I was pushed back against the wall as Zoom stood over me. I felt slightly out of breath from the impact but reached for the pipe and ran forward. Swinging the pipe at Zoom he caught it as I expected and I reached out kicking the back of his leg causing it to buckle giving the the chance to pull the pipe away in time for it to make contact with his masked face.

Catching Up || Barry Allen [2]
Fanfiction"love is so short forgetting is so long." NEW LIMITS BOOK 2 THE FLASH SEASON 2 || ARROW SEASON 4 (quote by pablo neruda)