37| Return of King Shark

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"No!" Caitlin yelled as she stepped up to the place where the breach once was. Everyone stood there staring shocked at the place where Jay stood only moments before. "He's not dead. He's not dead." 

I took a step forward wanting to comfort her but she immediately moved away. "Caitlin.." 

"He's not dead. He's not." She repeated in disbelief as tears began to cloud her eyes.


"This isn't happening. This isn't happening again." 

"Hey, I got you. Come on." Cisco told her as he took her hand, he looked over his shoulder at me and he didn't need to say a word for me to know what he wanted. I let go of Barry's hand and walked after them and holding onto Caitlin's other hand. She was shaking uncontrollably, and although I was't close to Jay the pain of losing someone who was becoming a part of our team was still there. 

Cisco and I tried  to convince Caitlin to come back to the apartment with me but she refused. So, we just let her fall asleep in the med-bay. It was only a couple of minutes after the Jade walked into the room, her arms crossed over her chest. She was wearing an emotionless expression as she leaned against the doorway looking at Caitlin.

"Well they're still fighting down there." My sister stated, and I sighed knowing immediately that it had to be Barry and Harrison getting into a discussion. "Your boyfriend wants to open the breach again."

"Kind of expected it." I replied, running my hand through my messy hair.

"Shouldn't you get that checked out?" Jade asked, and at first I didn't understand what she was referring to until I followed her gaze at the blood stain at the side of my shirt. I had completely forgotten about injuries that my doppelgänger had given me, but they were the farthest thing from my mind at the moment. 

"She's right that does not look good." Cisco commented as put his hand on my shoulder forcing me to sit down. He pulled out a kit that had everything to stick up the cut and I took it from him setting it on my lap. 

"Thanks." I muttered softly as I pulled my shirt over my head.

"Okay I'm just going to turn around." Cisco stated as he looked away, I simply rolled my eyes as I began preparing everything I needed. Jade stopped my as she took the needle away from me.

"Let me help." Jade told me and I nodded to tired to argue as I shifted in my seat, allowing her to get a better angle at the cut. "This is going to sting a little."

"Trust me at this point I don't even feel it." I replied, and I didn't. Once she began stitching I didn't even flinch being all to accustomed to the feeling. Once she was done I looked down at the teaching an realized from the way it was expertly stitched that maybe Jade was accustomed to it too.

Barry walked into the room with an irritated expression that faded once he saw me. "Are you okay?"

"I am now." I assured him sending a grateful smile towards me sister. Barry pulled out one of his S.T.A.R Labs t-shirt helping me slip it over my head. "Thanks." I told him taking his hand as he helped me get on my feet.

"So, how's she doing?" Barry asked softly as we all turned to towards the bed where Caitlin was  soundlessly sleeping.

"Not good." Cisco admitted as a heavy tension filled the room, what just happened settling in. We tried to get her to go home, but she refused to leave, so, you know, we just sat with her until she fell asleep." 

"First Ronnie, now Jay."

"Yeah. I'm afraid what this double dose of grief is gonna do to her. I mean, she's pretty shell-shocked." 

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