"Thank you for coming. I know this is more than a little crazy." Oliver said as Barry walked into the room slowly. He looked completely confused and slightly relieved as he walked over to me.
"Barry are you ok..." I didn't even have time to full process my thought as Barry placed his hands on both sides of my face before he suddenly pressed his lips against mine. I felt as my eyes went wide in shock and my first instinct was to much him away and that's excitably what I did. Putting my hands on his chest I gave him a light shove way from me still trying to figure what what could have gotten into him.
Barry looked at me with wide eyes just as surprised as he processed what he just did. "Diane I..."
"Definitely not the time or the place Barry." I muttered as I turned away from him. Malcolm chuckled amused by what just happened but once I glared at him he straightened up as we waited for Vandal Savage to arrive.
"We need to brief the team." Oliver ordered the second that we arrived back at the farmhouse. "Come up with some type of counterattack."
"It's not going to work." Barry suddenly declared.
"What?" I asked seeing how anxious he seemed. "Barry what's going on with you?"
Barry looked as us like he wanted to say something but then hesitated. "Uh, nothing. All right, never mind, I shouldn't have said anything."
"Barry, what's going on?" Oliver insisted.
"Ok, look, this isn't going to make any sense to you, but I...all right, so I traveled back in time from when we tried to take out Savage." Barry confessed and I felt my eyes go wide in surprise. "I mean, later, when we tried to take him down in the future, and it doesn't work."
Oliver looked at me in confusion before turning back to Barry. "You're right, that doesn't make sense to me."
"My world... our world is stranger than yours." Barry said to Oliver because the concept time travel isn't something that you can easily explain.
"Well, maybe we use that to our advantage. You say that whatever we do against Savage doesn't work? Then we come up with a new plan." Oliver suggested but Barry immediately shook his head in response.
"No. No, no, no. Ok, look, you can't. When I mess with time, it just, it doesn't end well."
"But what you're telling me is that it already doesn't end well." Oliver countered. "Barry, people in our line of work, we don't get second chances. We need to take this one."
"All right, I hope you're right." Barry replied but he was clearly unconvinced.
"How about you tell us what went wrong?" I asked, yet he still seemed hesitant on telling is what happened,
"Oliver did." He stated as he looked over at a very confused Oliver. "When we go up against Savage, your head's not in the game. You're not yourself."
"Why not?"
"Barry! Why not?" Oliver demanded in irritation.
"Ok, are you planning on giving me a hair sample to run forensics on in the near future?"
Oliver looked over at me before nodding slowly. "Yeah."
"Well, I did. And you were pretty shaken after the fact. And then Felicity found out, and you guys had a pretty big fight, and it sounded like it was over between you two." Barry explained only causing Oliver to tense up more than he already was.

Catching Up || Barry Allen [2]
Fanfiction"love is so short forgetting is so long." NEW LIMITS BOOK 2 THE FLASH SEASON 2 || ARROW SEASON 4 (quote by pablo neruda)