Chapter Six, The Mission (Symmetrical Scythe)

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Kid's PoV

Maka and I walked into the Death Room.
"Why do you think Lord Death wants to see us?" Maka asked me.
"I wouldn't know, it couldn't be a mission," I said, "Let's just see."
We walked through the Death Room, I saw my dad, sitting at a skull table, sipping what I hope was coffee or tea.
"Hey hey," Lord Death waved at us.
"Dad, why did you want to see Maka and I?" I asked, slightly concerned.
"I have a mission for you both, only you two can do this mission. Maka you'll be Kid's weapon, you are part scythe," Lord Death said.
"I can't transform at will," Maka said.
"Spirit, come out," Lord Death said.
Spirit came out from behind the mirror.
"Hii Maka," Spirit said happily as he walked over to Maka. Spirit took Maka's hands.
I looked at Maka's face, she was blushing a little.
"Papa, why?" Maka said.
"Release the scythe inside your soul, think of your blade and then let it free," Spirit explained.
Maka stood there, breathing calmly.
"Kid, your the only one able to wield Maka's scythe form, that's why you two are going together, you'll Spirit and Stein will meet you after classes, along with Crona, you two are going first because your a reaper," Lord Death explained to me.
"Where are we going?" Maka asked, she turned this beautiful green colour, I reached my hands out and a perfectly symmetrical double bladed scythe appeared in my hands.
"Your blade is beautiful," I said, Maka's scythe form was a little like her dad's, but she wasn't plain black, she was also a little green and white, "And she's perfectly symmetrical too."
"Your going to Baba Yaga's Castle," Lord Death said.
"What are we going there?" Maka and I both asked.
"Collecting a magic book, a weapon and Meister pair, a witch that kidnapped them and there's a an evil soul there too, which is why your both going first, at twelve thirty you leave, you've got a couple hours until you leave, so Kid take Maka to a cafe, put it in my credit card," Lord Death said, laughing at the last part.
Maka glowed green again and returned to her human form, I looked up to see her on my shoulders, sitting as if she was a little children, I laughed.
"Will Stein let our weapons know?" She asked playfully.
"Maka, get off Kid," Spirit said.
"Yes, he will," Lord Death said, he looked at Spirit, "Let them be," father said in a goofy voice.
"Alright, we're off," I laughed and turned around carefully.
"Giddy up horsey," Maka laughed, being playful.
We walked down the path we had came from. I heard my father and Spirit talking.

Third Person PoV

"Spirit, their not kids anymore, you've noticed haven't you?" Lord Death said to Spirit.
"Yeah, I know," Spirit sighed, "But why does it have to be my little girl?"
Lord Death watched his son walk away, carefully with Maka on his shoulders, they were happily talking.
"Because Spirit, they're growing up. I'm not happy about it either, Kid is my little boy, I don't wanna let him go yet, but if it was with anyone, it would have to be Maka, because she has a good heart," Lord Death said.
"Yeah, I feel the same towards Kid though, I mean he does have a good heart too. And I want them to keep their innocence for a long time," Spirit said.
"They kissed, last night, Kid took Maka to the place that found as kids. I have a habit for checking on him at night," Lord Death said.
"So, their going out then?" Spirit asked.
"I don't know, I was just heard them saying how they felt, then they kissed," Lord Death explained.
"He may be your son, but if he hurts my little girl, I will hurt him," Spirit said.
"I'll punish him, don't worry," Lord Death said.

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