Chapter Eighteen, Confusion and Worry

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Maka's PoV

I sat chatting about the last year with Tsubaki. We were at her place. Her hair was longer than before, she decided she'd stop trimming it every few months.
We heard a knock at the door, both Tsubaki and I went to answer the door. It was Kid's mother and my mother, they were like best friends or something.
"What's up, Clarity, Clary?" Tsubaki said with a smile.
"Spirit's annoying Clarity again, so we were wondering if you'd let her stay the night, and I'm also here to take Maka home anyways," Clary laughed.
"Yeah sure. But is it really that late?" Tsubaki said, she grabbed me shaking me around, "Maka? Your so quiet!"
"Sorry, I was thinking," I sighed, I was thinking and taking notes of the situation, my heart was pounding, I couldn't figure out why.
"Is something wrong with my princess?" Clarity asked me, pulling me into a hug.
"I'm fine, Mama," I said, pulling off a smile that would convenience everyone.
"If you say so," Clarity said, pulling away from me.
"Anyways, I guess I should go with Clary," I said, "Wait, Mama, can't you go to Stein?" I remembered they were seeing each other, which was cool and strange, I mean Stein is my professor.
"Not exactly, that's the first place that Spirit would look," Clarity laughed, "I'd rather chat with this young lady anyways."
"Ah, true, sorry I asked, but Kid's probably worried, so I should go," I hugged my Mama and then grabbed Clary's arm, "I'll see you at school, Tsubaki," I called.
Tsubaki giggled and said she'd see me there.
Clary and I continued walking until she said.
"I know something's bothering you," she grabbed my hand, holding it tightly.
"No, nothing's bothering me," I said.
"If you won't tell me, at least tell Kid," Clary said, tightening her grip on my hand, in a comforting way.
"Sure," I said quietly.
"Don't sure me, young lady, it should be a yes ma'am," Clary said cheerfully joking around.
"Right ma'am, of course ma'am," I joked back. Clary released her grip on my hand. I slid my hands into the pockets of the shorts I'd thrown on today, I realized my shirt had a couple holes in them, it didn't matter though.

Kid and I were sitting in a couch, in the room that had the dance floor and dresser.
"Listen, Kid, I have something I'd like to talk about," I said, unable to look him in the eyes.
"What's wrong Maka?" Kid asked, concern in his voice.
"I.." I trailed off, tears flowing, unable to fight them.
"You don't have to tell me," Kid said, putting his hand on mine.
"No, I need to, its important and.. I can't stop thinking about it.." I said as I wiped my tears repeatedly.
"I love you, Maka, so whatever you do, whether or not you tell me, it won't change how I feel," Kid said, I heard pain in his voice.
"I.. I missed my last period," I said quietly, almost two quiet.
"What?" Kid said, surprise in his voice.
"I missed my last period. Liz, Patti and I are worried you've gotten me pregnant, and I want children with you, just not right now," I said, crying still. I felt Kid's arms wrap tightly around me.
"Let's go to my dad, tomorrow morning, he'll know," Kid said, his voice a little shaky.
"What if I am? What then?" I asked Kid.
"Well, it's our baby, but you can decide what to do about it, its your body," Kid said, his voice a little more shaky.
"You know I couldn't get rid of our child," I said quietly. I started feeling dizzy and I slowly fell asleep, unable to respond to anything else.

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