Chapter Sixteen, Maka's Mother Clarity

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Kid's PoV

Maka, Stein and I walked around a lake in Italy, it was cold, Maka was shivering so I gave her my outer shirt.
"You know, if either of you gets sick, it's my fault," Stein said after an awkward silence.
"We won't, I'm a grim reaper, remember?" I said.
I started sensing a strong soul nearby. I'm guessing Maka noticed it too, because she quickly clung to my arm.
"I can sense her nearby," Stein laughed, "She's not changed a bit."
"I'm hoping your referring to Maka's mother," I said quickly, "Father said her name was Clarity, right?"
"Yes Kid," Stein said.
"Yeah, Mama's name is Clarity. Ours mother's names are so alike.." Maka said.
"It doesn't worry me," I said.

We came across an old cabin. We knocked on the door. A lady who looked had similar green eyes to Maka, same dirty blonde hair colour, a smaller chest then Maka. The lady was wearing leggings and a skirt, a black t-shirt and a sleeveless jean martial jacket.
"Mama!" Maka said rushing to her mother's open arms.
"Oh, my sweet little Maka," the lady said.
"Yo," Stein said with a smile, doing a peace sign just like Dad's, I thought, I smiled slightly.
"Well hello there Stein," Clarity laughed, then she looked over at me, I immediately straighted myself out, feeling awkward, I kind of remembered her. "Death the Kid?" She asked, surprised to see me.
"Yes, that's me," I said awkwardly.
"No need to be awkward, Kid," Clarity said as she walked over to me, tugging softly at my arm, as Clarity invited us all into her little cabin.
"I remember this place," Stein laughed.
"Yeah, you, me and Spirit used to come here often as teens," Clarity sighed.

For awhile we all laughed and drank tea for about an hour. Maka was sitting next me on a small couch, she had her legs thrown over my lap.
Stein coughed, "I'm sorry to ruin the atmosphere, but there are matters you need to address, along with other things in Death City, Clarity."
"I knew weren't just here for a visit," Clarity said, "It doesn't matter, I was going to come home in about a month," she sighed.
"If your worried about Spirit, I'm here," Stein said, taking his glasses off.
"You'll have to protect me from him," Clarity said.
"Of course, he's just as annoying from when we were teens," Stein laughed.
"When are we heading back then? I'd like to see Crona," Maka said.
"Tonight," Clarity smiled.

Maka's PoV

Mama had asked me and Kid to go ahead and so we did, it worried me though.
I peeked back, over my shoulder, I saw Stein's arms around my Mama, they seemed to be kissing. I smiled a little, but thought it was weird.
"Hey Kid," I grabbed his arm.
"Yes beautiful?" Kid asked.
"Carry me on your shoulders?" I asked playfully.
"Of course," Kid laughed getting on his knee's, I carefully climbed onto his shoulders, Kid carefully stood up.
It was dark, so I held a torch so Kid and I knew where we were heading. We were walking on a path. Mama said it led back into the city. It didn't take hours this track, that was what Mama said, she said it'd take about half an hour. I ruffled Kid's hair up.
"Your adorable, you know that, right?" Kid laughed.
"No, that's you," I giggled.
"Maka, how long have you had feelings for me?" Kid asked, he was serious.
"Well, I realized how I felt after the kishin was defeated, I realized how strong these feelings were. But I guess, around the time you were enrolled, maybe a little before that," I said, "What about you? How long have to liked me?"
"Well," Kid began, "Probably around the same time you started getting feelings for me. Remember that time we went to the circus? I think it was that day."
"Oh.. Wow.." I blushed, "Do you have that pocket mirror your dad in trusted with us?"
"Yeah, do you wanna give him a call?" Kid asked.
"Yes," I said.
Kid ruffled around for something in his pockets, passing up a small mirror. I did my usual routine for calling Lord Death.
"Forty two, forty two, five six four, whenever you wanna knock on Death's door," I waited a moment, "Hey Lord Death, are you there?"
"Oh hey Maka," Lord Death said, cheerful as ever.
"Mama's with us," I smiled, "I mean, she's with Stein, she asked for Kid and to go on ahead she she could speak with Stein. Mama said she'd meet Kid and I in the city," I explained.
"That's awesome," Lord Death said, "I've got to go now, I have an assignment for BlackStar and Tsubaki, bye kids!" Lord Death disappeared.
I handed the mirror back to my handsome grim reaper.

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