Chapter Twenty Two, Hopefulness (Love)

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Maka's PoV

I was exhausted, I was throwing up. I've been throwing up for the last week, as well as the nightmares lately. I have a pregnancy test in my set of draws. I was crying, sitting in front of the toilet. I felt that disgusting sensation in the pits of my stomach, I threw up, fourth time this morning, in about half an hour. I felt better, well, a little, I got up and showered.

I walked out of the bathroom, I was wearing underwear, I walked over to the closest. Opening it. I felt Kid's arms wrap around my waist. He was kissing my neck.
"We can't, tonight, okay?" I said to Kid, reaching upwards for my favorite shirt of his, and my skirt.
"Okay, Maka," Kid said, unwrapping his arms, he grabbed one of the other shirts. I turned around, facing him.
"I love you," I whispered, wrapping my right arm around his neck and slowly bringing him downwards, I kissed him.
"I love you too," Kid whispered, I brought my arm back, walked over to the bed, putting on all my clothes.

I walked into the Death Room, Kid was in class, I walked out, I had thrown up again, I figured I'd go talk to Lord Death about this. Last time, I wasn't pregnant, this time, I was throwing up, I had missed my period, I was craving foods, the works.
"Lord Death?" I called, as I saw him.
"Hey hey hey!" Lord Death said, cheerful, "What's up?"
I sighed, "I think I'm pregnant. There's so many signs that point to it," I sighed again, "Can you see a baby's soul?"
"Yes, yes, I see the baby's soul," Lord Death said, sounding serious.
"How do I tell Kid?" I asked, tears forming.
"He doesn't know?" Lord Death asked.
"He knows about the vomiting, I'm not sure the nightmares have anything to do with it," I said quietly.
"You're just stressed, it'll go away soon, if it doesn't, talk to Clary or your mother," Lord Death said, putting his hand on my back, "On the bright side, its a wonderful Christmas present. But, Maka, remember your graduating in a week."
"Yes, Lord Death," I said.

It was Christmas Eve, I had Kid all to myself. Liz and Soul had taken Patti and Crona out Christmas light seeing.
It was freezing, Kid and I were sitting in front of a fireplace, we were drinking hot chocolate. We were completely alone, no one in ear shot.
"Kid, I have something to tell you," I said suddenly.
"I know you do," Kid said, "You've been fidgeting all day."
"Kid, I'm pregnant," I said, barely audible.
"I knew it, I could see the baby's soul," Kid said, "My powers are getting stronger."
"Oh, uh, that's true," I said quietly.
"It's okay, Maka," Kid said, he kissed my forehead.
"I'm not alone, am I?" I said, looking into Kid's eyes, putting my hands over my stomach.
"What shall we call the little one? I heard it takes forever to name a child," Kid said, happiness in his voice.
"If its a boy.. Dione, Akira or maybe.. Sullivan," I said, "And if it's a girl.. Astrid, Freya or.. Zia."
"Those are really good names, I personally like Raven, Zeke and Avril," Kid smiled.
I yawned, "Those are wonderful."
"Sleepy?" Kid asked, picking me up, bridal style.
"Very," I glanced at the clock, twelve forty one, in the morning. I smiled, and fall asleep in Kid's arms as he carried me.

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