Chapter Eight, The Witch Emily

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Kid's PoV

Maka and I were on my skateboard, Beelzebub. She was in front of my this time, I had my arms around her waist, she was holding onto my hands and I had my head over her shoulder, she put her head softly against mine, making me smile. We stayed like that until we came across a young boy with a soft pink hair colour.
"Crona!" Maka and I yelled out to him.
Beelzebub went downwards slowly and stopped when we reached him.
"Maka, Kid!" Crona said happily and shyly.
"Hey, if it isn't the blondie and reaper boy," Ragnarok appeared, "Crona appreciates that your letting him come with you instead of your dad and Stein, blonde," it said.
"I know Crona isn't comfortable around Papa, it's fine," Maka laughed.
"Are you two together?" Ragnarok asked.
"Kinda, yeah," I said, Maka blushed.
"Its about damn time!" Ragnarok said.
"W-what he said," Crona said nervously and smiled.
"Where's Miss Marie?" Maka asked.
"She left before you two got here, she had stuff to take care of and had a feeling you two would turn up pretty quickly," Crona said nervously.
"Alright, well we have to get to Baba Yaga's Castle," I said.

Maka's PoV
We walked into Baba Yaga Castle.
"Maka, I want you go transform, I'm getting bad vibes and I can sense other beings here," Kid said.
I transformed into my double bladed symmetrical scythe form.
"Nice blade," Ragnarok commented, turning himself into imhis demon sword mode.
Crona and Kid walked deeper into the castle, weapons with us weapons at the ready.
"Something's up ahead, I can feel it," Kid said, he gripped the staff part of my scythe form tightly.
"Relax Kid, don't go in there all tense, if your relaxed it'll be easy," I said softly.
"Sorry," Kid loosened his grip, relaxing.
"She's right you know," Ragnarok said.
"I'll go in there first," Kid said, "Crona, if I get into trouble come in and help, I sense a witch in there," he explained.
"Alright," Crona said nervously.

Third Person PoV

Kid walked into the room with Maka as a scythe I'm his hands. Kid and Maka both saw a women with black hair, blue eyes. She was wearing a black romper with a hoodie.
"So I've been found then?" The witch said.
"Who are you and why are you here?" Kid asked the witch.
"I'm the witch Medusa's cousin, Emily," the witch said, "I have the gift lightning, thunder, all that."
"As in the goddess of harm?" Kid asked.
"Yes," Emily said.
"I'll end you today, in the name of the Death!" Kid said, he ran towards the witch, he slashed at the witch, but just before Kid had hit her, the witch had dodged it. The witch grabbed Kid by the neck, throwing him across the them, Crona charged into the room.
"Kid, Maka!" He screamed.
"We have to try Resonance Link," Maka said.
Crona, Ragnarok and Kid agreed with her.
They all screamed, "Soul Resonance."
Kid and Maka's souls became this purple soul, with wings and blades.
Ragnarok and Crona's became stronger.
"Crona, you go first, when Maka and I have charged up enough power we'll take over," Kid said.
"Alright," Crona said nervously.
"So we just need to buy you time, reaper boy?" Ragnarok asked and Kid nodded, "Should be easy enough. Crona charged at the witch, she started spitting lighting at him, but Crona dodged it.
"I don't know how to deal with her, she's spitting lighting at me and I don't know what else to do!" Crona said as he dodged her.
"Use Resonance Scream," Maka yelled.
As she did so, her blades become Genie Hunter, but more powerful looking.
"I need more time!" Kid said.
"Resonance Scream!" Crona yelled, slamming the demon sword into the witch, "Now Kid," he said pulling the demon sword out of the witch and jumping away from her.
At that moment Kid ran at the witch, slashing at her with both of Maka's blades, "Genie Hunter," Kid screamed.
The witch was slashed into four pieces, her soul floated in the air.
After a few minutes, Stein and Spirit walked in, "So you kids defeated the witch then?" Stein asked.
"Yes Professor," Kid said as Maka turned back into her human from.
"Here's her soul," Maka said bringing the soil over to Stein.
"That's for you to eat," Spirit said.
Maka shook her head, "I don't want it," she said passing it to Stein.
"We'll take it back to Lord Death then," Stein smiled.
Maka walked over to Kid.
"You did wonderfully," Maka said to him and yawned.
"It was all you, Maka," Kid smiled.
"I feel like I'm gonna pass out," Maka said.
"You must've used a lot of power," Spirit said.
"Papa," Maka started but she ended up collapsing.
Kid quickly caught her, he put her on his back and walked over to Stein and Spirit, Crona walked over to them too.
"Will Maka be okay, Professor?" Both young boys asked.
"She'll be fine, she used to much power," Spirit anaswred for Stein.
"Do you feel fine Kid?" Stein asked Kid.
"I'm a reaper, I'm fine," Kid said, "You know I recover quickly," he gulped, "I just hope she does," he said quietly.
"Give her some time, you kids head back, put to a nice comfy bed," Professor Stein said, "Spirit and I will do the rest. Take Maka to Gallows Manor, we'll meet you there afterwards," he said dismissing, Crona, Kid and Ragnarok.

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